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Summary of JENDL-4.0 |
Purpose |
To provide a Japanese standard library for fast breeder reactors, thermal reactors,
fusion neutronics and shielding calculations, and other applications.
Number of nuclides |
406 |
Incident neutron energy range |
10-5 eV to 20 MeV |
Format |
ENDF-6 Format. |
Pointwise files |
prepared at 0K and 300K with LINEAR, RECENT and SIGMA1 (accuracy=0.1%) |
Details of JENDL-4.0
(numerical data, descriptions, figures and tables of cross sections) |
- Neutron Reaction Sublibrary
JENDL-4.0 Updated Files [JENDL-4.0u] |
Updated files of JENDL-4.0 are distributed when the data were modified
because of fatal compilation etc.
There are updated files for the nuclides as following. [ Update: 2013/08/13 ]
JENDL-4.0 Neutron Reaction Sublibrary:

52Cr, 53Cr,
127mTe, 129mTe,
196Hg, 202Hg, 204Hg,
224Ra, 225Ra,
233U, 234U, 235U, 238U,
238Pu, 239Pu, 242Pu,
241Am, 243Am
JENDL-4.0 Fission Yield Sublibrary :
JENDL-4.0 Plus Files [JENDL-4.0+] |
“JENDL-4.0 Plus Files (JENDL-4.0+)”
is the collection of data files newly evaluated or reevaluated after the JENDL-4.0 was distributed (in May 2010).
The JENDL4.0+ may include not only the nuclides already evaluated for JENDL-4.0 but also nuclides not evaluated yet.
There is no JENDL-4.0+ file now.
Data files and Useful Reports made from JENDL-4.0 |
References of JENDL-4.0 |
- K. Shibata, O. Iwamoto, T. Nakagawa, N. Iwamoto, A. Ichihara, S. Kunieda, S. Chiba, K. Furutaka,
N. Otuka, T. Ohsawa, T. Murata, H. Matsunobu, A. Zukeran, S. Kamada, and J. Katakura:
"JENDL-4.0: A New Library for Nuclear Science and Engineering,"
J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.. 48(1), 1-30 (2011).
- O. Iwamoto, T. Nakagawa, N. Otuka, and S. Chiba:
"Covariance Evaluation for Actinide Nuclear Data in JENDL-4,"
Proc. 2010 the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2010),
J. Korean. Phys. Soc., 59(2), 1224-1229 (2011).
- G. Chiba, K. Okumura, K. Sugino, Y. Nagaya, K. Yokoyama, T. Kugo, M. Ishikawa and S. Okajima:
"JENDL-4.0 Benchmarking for Fission Reactor Applications,"
J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 48(2), 172-187 (2011).
Nuclear Data Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Modified at 2023/04/10 13:52 JST
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