Level energy(keV) Spin & Parity
ground state 0+
Mass (The Ame2012 atomic mass evaluation (II) by M.Wang, G.Audi, A.H.Wapstra, F.G.Kondev, M.MacCormick, X.Xu, and B.Pfeiffer
Chinese Physics C36 p. 1603-2014, December 2012)
117.901606574 ± 0.000000536 (amu) [mass excess = -91652.886 ± 0.500 (keV) ]
Beta-decay energy (calculated as M(A,Z)-M(A,Z+1), taken from Ame2012)
-3656.640 ± 2.975 (keV)
Cross Sections (taken from JENDL-4.0)
Table of cross sections, Sn-118.
Figures of cross sections, Sn-118: type-1: type-2: type-3.
type-1: total, elastic and inelastic scattering, capture and fision cross sections
type-2: same as type-1 but cross sections are averaged in 70 energy group intervals
type-3: threshold reaction cross sections
Evaluated Data Libraries
Links to the libraries.
Parent Nuclides by Reactions in JENDL-4.0
Sn-117 (Z= 50, A=117), MT=102 (n,γ)
Sn-118 (Z= 50, A=118), MT= 2 (Elastic scattering)
Sn-118 (Z= 50, A=118), MT= 4 (Inelastic scattering)
Sn-119 (Z= 50, A=119), MT= 16 (n,2n)
Sn-120 (Z= 50, A=120), MT= 17 (n,3n)
Te-120 (Z= 52, A=120), MT=106 (n,3He)
Te-122 (Z= 52, A=122), MT= 22 (n,nα)
Fission Yields for Fission Products in JENDL-4.0 Fission Yield Data
- Neutron-induced Fission Yields (from main actinide nuclides) - Independent Fission Yield -
Product Nuclide Energy Fission Yield Uncertainty(1σ)
Sn-118 U-235 Thermal 4.093480e-11 2.619820e-11
Sn-118 U-235 Fast 6.945660e-11 4.445220e-11
Sn-118 U-235 High 3.484780e-08 2.230260e-08
Sn-118 U-238 Fast 2.130790e-13 1.363710e-13
Sn-118 U-238 High 1.862030e-10 1.191700e-10
Sn-118 Pu-239 Thermal 1.319790e-09 8.446670e-10
Sn-118 Pu-239 Fast 3.789380e-09 2.425210e-09
Sn-118 Pu-239 High 1.701100e-06 1.088710e-06
Sn-118 Pu-241 Thermal 4.720770e-12 3.021290e-12
Sn-118 Pu-241 Fast 3.907060e-11 2.500520e-11
Thermal=0.0253eV, Fast=500keV(Fast reactor spectrum), High=14MeV
- Neutron-induced Fission Yields (from main actinide nuclides) - Cumulative Fission Yield -
Product Nuclide Energy Fission Yield Uncertainty(1σ)
Sn-118 U-235 Thermal 1.132710e-04 9.077960e-06
Sn-118 U-235 Fast 3.356360e-04 2.691400e-05
Sn-118 U-235 High 1.083430e-02 1.190120e-03
Sn-118 U-238 Fast 4.319240e-04 4.749420e-05
Sn-118 U-238 High 8.319190e-03 9.141620e-04
Sn-118 Pu-239 Thermal 3.248210e-04 3.573640e-05
Sn-118 Pu-239 Fast 5.985420e-04 6.584930e-05
Sn-118 Pu-239 High 1.266110e-02 1.012270e-03
Sn-118 Pu-241 Thermal 2.316120e-04 7.410230e-05
Sn-118 Pu-241 Fast 8.329660e-04 1.333740e-04
Thermal=0.0253eV, Fast=500keV(Fast reactor spectrum), High=14MeV
→ Neutron-induced and Spontaneous Fission Yields of all nuclides in JENDL-4.0 Fission Yield Data