The decay data sublibrary provides the evaluated nuclear data on decay reactions for 4,071 nuclides from neutron and H-1 (Z=1) to Og (Z=118).
This data can be used to evaluate the production of radioactive isotopes (RIs) for use in decommissioning nuclear reactors,
as well as in wider applications, e.g. the estimation of RI production by accelerators.
- [Format]
- ENDF-6 format
- [History]
- Dec. 2021: First release (archive file).
Feb. 2022: Sublibrary and library version numbers were incorrect. Intensities of β- decay for some nuclei were incorrect. Fixed in update 3 (upd-3) on Feb. 16
(archive file).
Apr. 2022: Isomeric state numbers of Sb-122m2 were incorrect.
The material numbers were duplicated for some nuclides.
Fixed in update 5 (upd-5) on Apr. 27
Nov. 2024: Internal pair formation coefficient was given below the threshold energy.
Fixed in update 15 (upd-15) on Nov. 21
[Download] (updated in Apr. 2022)
- Individual Nuclide Files
- Compressed Archive File for All Nuclides (tar.gz)
Modified at 2024/11/12 16:38 [JST]
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan