KTUY Mass Formula

KUTY mass formula 2005 revised version

Hiroyuki KOURA*1, Takahiro TACHIBANA*2, Masahiro UNO*3 and Masami YAMADA*4

*1 Japan Atomic Energy Agency, e-mail: jendl@jaea.go.jp
*2 Senior High School of Waseda University
*3 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
*4 Advanced Science Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University

A nuclidic mass formula composed of a gross term, an even-odd term and a shell term is presented as a revised version of the KUTY mass formula published in 2000. The revised mass formula is referred to as KTUY mass formula [Refs. 1 and 2]. The gross term and the even-odd term describe the general trend of the masses as a function of proton number Z and neutron number N. The main feature of this mass formula is on the method of calculating the microscopic effects including nuclear deformations with a consideration of spherical basis [Ref. 3]. In this revision, the average even-odd part is mainly improved. This formula provides the ground-state masses and nuclear shapes of nuclei from light one (Z= 2 and N= 2) to superheavy ones. We list two mass tables for fitted different experimental mass data.

Mass tables (Text files)
These tables list calculated masses, Mcal, shell energies, Esh, deformation parameters, α2, α4 and α6, for nuclei from Z= 2 and N= 2 to Z= 130 and N= 200.

KTUY04_m246.dat : To determine adjustable parameters of the gross term and the even-odd term, we use experimental masses of the 1995 Atomic Mass Evaluation by G. Audi and A.H.Wapstra. [Ref. 4]

KTUY05_m246.dat : To determine adjustable parameters of the gross term and the even-odd term, we use experimental masses of the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation by G. Audi, A.H.Wapstra and C. Thibault. [Ref. 5]

Mass tables (PDF files)
In addition to the above mass tables, we also list one- and two-neutron separation energies and one- and two-proton separation energies into the following tables:

KTUY04_m246S12np.pdf, (880 KB, 169 pages)
KTUY05_m246S12np.pdf, (880 KB, 169 pages)
Explanations of the above files are given to KTUY04explanation.pdf and KTUY05explanation.pdf.

  1. H. Koura, T. Tachibana, M. Uno and M. Yamada, RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 36 ( 2003) 9,
    H. Koura, TOURS Symposium on Nuclear Physics-V,AIP-Proceedings 704 ( 2004) 60.
  2. H. Koura, T. Tachibana, M. Uno and M. Yamada, Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 305.
  3. H. Koura, M. Uno and T. Tachibana and M.Yamada, Nucl. Phys. A674 (2000) 47.
  4. G.Audi and A.H. Wapstra, Nucl. Phys. A595 (1995) 409.
  5. G.Audi, A.H.Wapstra and C.Thibault, Nucl. Phys. A729 (2003) 337