Modified at 2024/12/20 16:10 [JST]
~ 1999 ~
- Rotational bands of 155Gd
- Hayakawa Takehito, Oshima Masumi, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Katakura Junichi, Iimura Hideki, Matsuda Makoto, Mitarashi Shiro, Shimizu Y., Otsubo Shinichi, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Sugawara Masahiko, Kusakari Hideshige;
- AIP Conference Proceedings, 495, 235-236 (1999).
- Evaluation of neutron- and proton-induced nuclear data on 27Al up to 2GeV
- Lee Y. O., Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(12), 1125-1134 (1999).
- State-selected cross sections for ion production in the H++H2 collisions
- Ichihara Akira, Iwamoto Osamu, Yokoyama Keiichi;
- Atomic Collision Research in Japan, No.25, 28-29 (1999).
- Nuclear data sheets for A=125
- Katakura Junichi;
- Nucl. Data Sheets, 86(4), 955-1118 (1999).
- Mean-square nuclear charge radius of radioactive 144Ce by laser spectroscopy
- Ishida Y., Iimura Hideki, Ichikawa Shinichi et al.;
- Physical Review C, 59(3), 1794-1797 (1999).
- Recent studies of unstable nuclei far from stability with the on-line isotope separators of JAERI
- Sekine Toshiaki, Ichikawa Shinichi, Osa Akihiko, Koizumi Mitsuo, Iimura Hideki, Tsukada Kazuaki, Nishinaka Ichiro, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Nagame Yuichiro, Asai Masato, Shibata M., Kawade Kiyoshi, Kojima Yasuaki et al.;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 239(1), 127-131 (1999).
- Present status of minor actinide data
- Nakagawa Tsuneo, Takano Hideki, Hasegawa Akira;
- NEA/WPEC-8, 1-116 (1999).
- Activity report of Japanese nuclear data committee in period of April 1997 to March 1999
- Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 41(12), 1213-1221 (1999).
- Rotational bands of 155Gd
- Hayakawa Takehito, Oshima Masumi, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Katakura Junichi, Iimura Hideki, Matsuda Makoto, Mitarashi Shiro, Shimizu Y., Otsubo Shinichi, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Sugawara Masahiko, Kusakari Hideshige;
- Nuclear Physics A, 657(1), 3-18 (1999).
- General activities of JAERI nuclear data center and Japanese nuclear data committee
- Fukahori Tokio;
- Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Nuclear Data Production and Evaluation, 129-134 (1999).
~ 1998 ~
- Evaluation of photonuclear reaction data on tantalum-181 up to 140 MeV
- Lee Y., Fukahori Tokio, Chang J.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 35(10), 685-691 (1998).
- Alignment caused by photoionization and in radiative electron capture into excited states of hydrogenic high-Z ions
- Eichler J., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo;
- Physical Review A, 58(3), 2128-2135 (1998).
- Identification of 161Sm and 165Gd
- Ichikawa Shinichi, Tsukada Kazuaki, Nishinaka Ichiro, Iimura Hideki, Nagame Yuichiro, Asai Masato, Kojima Yasuaki, Shibata M., Kawade Kiyoshi, Oura Yasuji, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Osa Akihiko et al.;
- Physical Review C, 58(2), 1329-1332 (1998).
- The 1st INTERNET Symposium on Nuclear Data (ISND-1)
- Fukahori Tokio, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 48(1), 31-36 (1998).
- Evaluation of covariance data for chromium, iron and nickel contained in JENDL-3.2
- Oh S., Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 35(1), 66-75 (1998).
- Conversion electron measurements in 125,127Ba
- Iimura Hideki, Ichikawa Shinichi, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi et al.;
- Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses (ENAM98), 544-547 (1998).
- Molecular-state treatment of electron capture in collisions of Be3+ ions with He atoms below 10keV amu-1
- Suzuki Shingo, Shimakura N., Shirai Toshizo, Kimura Mineo;
- Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 31(8), 1741-1752 (1998).
- Nuclear spectroscopy from the standpoint of nuclear data evaluation
- Iimura Hideki, Katakura Junichi;
- KURRI-KR-25, 27-29 (1998).
- Present status and activities of High energy nuclear data evaluation; For future radiation utilization facilities
- Fukahori Tokio, Mukaiyama Takehiko, Oyama Yukio, Chiba Satoshi, Takada Hiroshi, Maekawa Hiroshi, Shibata Tokushi, Nakamura Takashi, Watanabe Yukinobu et al.;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 40(1), 3-28 (1998).
- Report of the first research coordinate meeting for IAEA/CRP on fission product yield data required for transmutation of minor actinide nuclear waste
- Fukahori Tokio, Katakura Junichi;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 40(5), 363-366 (1998).
- Introduction of model calculated β-ray spectrum to ENDF/B-VI fission products decay data file
- Katakura Junichi, England T. R.;
- Proc. of Int. Conf. on the Phys. of Nucl. Sci. and Technol., 1, 438-443 (1998).
~ 1997 ~
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data for mercury
- Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(12), 1171-1177 (1997).
- Strong alignment observed for the time-reversed photoionization process studied in relativistic collisions with bare uranium ions
- Stoehlker T., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Physical Review Letters, 79(17), 3270-3273 (1997).
- Improvement of gamma-ray production data for JENDL-3.2
- Shibata Keiichi, Asami Tetsuo, Mizumoto Motoharu et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(5), 503-509 (1997).
- Soft-rotator model analysis of collective band structures of even-even actinide nuclei
- Chiba Satoshi et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(5), 490-497 (1997).
- Coulomb excitation of 155Gd
- Kidera Masanori, Oshima Masumi, Hayakawa Takehito, Kusakari Hideshige, Sugawara Masahiko et al.;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 66(2), 285-287 (1997).
- Isotope shifts of optical transitions in Ce II by collinear laser-ion-beam spectroscopy
- Ishida Y. et al.;
- Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30(11), 2569-2579 (1997).
- Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
- Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio, Takano Hideki, Watanabe Yukinobu, Kobayashi Katsuhei, Oyamatsu Kazuhiro et al.;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 39(10), 863-865 (1997).
- Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1995 to March 1997
- Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 39(12), 1019-1027 (1997).
- The 21st international nuclear data committee meeting
- Hasegawa Akira;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 39(11), 957-959 (1997).
- Nuclear data sheets for A=124
- Iimura Hideki, Katakura Junichi, Kitao Kensuke et al.;
- Nucl. Data Sheets, 80(4), 895-1067 (1997).
- Search for unknown isotopes using the JAERI-ISOL
- Ichikawa Shinichi, Tsukada Kazuaki, Asai Masato, Osa Akihiko, Oura Yasutsugu, Nagame Yuichiro, Kawade Kiyoshi et al.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 126(1-4), 205-208 (1997).
- Consistent description of collective level structure and neutron interaction data for 12C in the framework of the soft-rotator model
- Chiba Satoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Sugimoto Masayoshi, Mizumoto Motoharu, Hasegawa Kazuo, Sukhovitskii E. S., Watanabe Yukinobu et al.;
- Nuclear Physics A, 624(3), 305-327 (1997).
- Magnetic field effects on electron capture processes by highly charged ions: Collisions of B4+ ions with H atoms
- Suzuki Shingo, Shirai Toshizo, Shimakura N.;
- Phys. Scr., T73, 110-111 (1997).
- JENDL-3.2 covariance file for fast reactors
- Shibata Keiichi, Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio, Hasegawa Akira, Iwamoto Osamu, Kawano Toshihiko, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Murata Toru, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugimoto Masayoshi et al.;
- Proc. of Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Science and Technol., 904-906 (1997).
~ 1996 ~
- Radiative electron capture and the photoelectric effect at high energies
- Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Physical Review A, 54(6), 4954-4959 (1996).
- Study on ion-molecule reactions in the H3+ system with the trajectory-surface-hopping model
- Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo, Yokoyama Keiichi;
- Journal of Chemical Physics, 105(5), 1857-1861 (1996).
- Evaluation of neutron cross sections of hydrogen from 20MeV to 1GeV
- Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 33(8), 654-662 (1996).
- Identification of a new isotope 166Tb
- Asai Masato, Tsukada Kazuaki, Osa Akihiko, Yamamoto Hiroshi, Kawade Kiyoshi, Shinohara Nobuo, Nagame Yuichiro et al.;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 65(5), 1135-1138 (1996).
- Applicability of optical model potentials for intermediate-energy nuclear data evaluations in the 1p-shell mass region
- Chiba Satoshi et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 33(4), 346-353 (1996).
- Nuclear data network in Japan
- Kikuchi Yasuyuki;
- 10th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conf. (10-PBNC), 1, 1022-1025 (1996).
- Measurement of Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Section and Resonance Integral of the 129I(n,γ) 130I Reaction
- Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo, Kato Toshio;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 33(4), 283-289 (1996).
- Decay and fission yield data library for ORIGEN2 code to reproduce the decay heat values recommended by Atomic Energy Society of Japan
- Katakura Junichi;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 38(7), 609-615 (1996).
- Mass separation of neutron-rich isotopes using a gas-jet coupled thermal ion source
- Ichikawa Shinichi, Asai Masato, Tsukada Kazuaki, Osa Akihiko, Shinohara Nobuo, Nagame Yuichiro, Kawade Kiyoshi, Yamamoto Hiroshi et al.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 374, 330-334 (1996).
- Statistical model calculations of the 232U fission cross section
- Maslov V. M. et al.;
- Nuclear Science and Engineering, 124(3), 492-497 (1996).
- Estimation of covariance data for JENDL-3.2
- Shibata Keiichi, Chiba Satoshi, Kawano Toshihiko, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugimoto Masayoshi et al.;
- PHYSOR 96: Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors, 3, F31-F39 (1996).
- Excitation and ionization of excited helium atoms in collisions with bare ions
- Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo;
- Phys. Scr., T62, 95-104 (1996).
- Decay properties of 245Cf
- Magara Masaaki, Shinohara Nobuo, Tsukada Kazuaki, Usuda Shigekazu, Nagame Yuichiro, Kobayashi Yoshii, Oshima Masumi et al.;
- Radiochimica Acta, 72, 39-43 (1996).
~ 1995 ~
- Japanese evaluated nuclear data library, version 3 revision-2; JENDL-3.2
- Nakagawa Tsuneo, Shibata Keiichi, Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio, Nakajima Yutaka, Kawano Toshihiko, Kanda Yukinori, Osawa Takaaki, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Kawai Masayoshi, Watanabe Takashi, Kosako Kazuaki, Asami Tetsuo et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 32(12), 1259-1271 (1995).
- Photonuclear angular distribution systematics in the quasideuteron regime
- Chadwick M. B., Chiba Satoshi et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 32(11), 1154-1158 (1995).
- Single-, double- and triple-electron capture cross sections for multicharged slow carbon ions in H2,CH4,C2H6,C3H8 and CO2 molecules
- Ito Akio, Imanishi Nobutsugu, Hamamoto Nariaki, Tanaka Takashi, Saito Manabu, Haruyama Yoichi, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 64(9), 3255-3264 (1995).
- Ab initio potential energy surfaces for the two lowest 1A' states of H3+
- Ichihara Akira, Yokoyama Keiichi;
- Journal of Chemical Physics, 103(6), 2109-2112 (1995).
- Ionization of excited hydrogenlike ions by collisions with bare ions
- Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo;
- Physical Review A, 51(6), 4699-4703 (1995).
- Evaluated gamma-ray production data of JENDL-3.2
- Shibata Keiichi, Asami Tetsuo et al.;
- INDC(NDS)-334, 0, 127-136 (1995).
- Photon angular distributions from radiative electron capture in relativistic atomic collisions
- Eichler J., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo;
- Physical Review A, 51(4), 3027-3035 (1995).
- Radiative electron capture studied in relativistic heavy-ion-atom collisions
- Stoehlker Th., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Physical Review A, 51(3), 2098-2111 (1995).
- Spectral data for highly ionized krypton, Kr V through Kr XXXVI
- Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J. et al.;
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 24(4), 1577-1608 (1995).
- Present status of research on intermediate energy nuclear data
- Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi, Takada Hiroshi, Nakahara Yasuaki, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 37(4), 264-273 (1995).
- Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1993 to March 1995
- Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 37(12), 1095-1103 (1995).
- Radiative electron capture in relativistic heavy-ion atom collisions
- Stoehlker Th., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 98, 235-239 (1995).
- Gamma-ray production data in JENDL-3.2
- Shibata Keiichi, Maekawa Fujio;
- Proc. of a Specialists Meeting on Measurement,Calculation and Evaluation of Photon Production Data, 0, 317-327 (1995).
- JENDL-3 revision 2 - Its evaluation and validation
- Kikuchi Yasuyuki, Takano Hideki, Nakagawa Tsuneo;
- Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 73, 424-425 (1995).
- Photon angular distribution of radiative electron capture into the M shell of He-like uranium ions at 110-140MeV/u
- Kandler T., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Z. Phys., D, 35, 15-18 (1995).
~ 1994 ~
- Ionization of excited hydrogen atoms by collisions with bare ions
- Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo;
- Physical Review A, 50(6), 4945-4950 (1994).
- Muon transfer and elastic acattering in t+dμ collisions at low energies
- Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Physical Review A, 50(6), 4951-4955 (1994).
- L-subshell resolved photon angular distribution of radiative electron capture into He-like uranium
- Stoehlker Th., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Physical Review Letters, 73(26), 3520-3523 (1994).
- Impacts of data transformations on least-squares solutions and their significance in data analysis and evaluation
- Chiba Satoshi et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 31(8), 770-781 (1994).
- Nuclear moments of 143Pr by laser spectroscopy
- Iimura Hideki, Nakahara Yoshinori et al.;
- Physical Review C, 50(2), 661-665 (1994).
- Mean field for the vibron model: Dipole-moment function of diatomic molecules
- Mengoni A., Shirai Toshizo;
- Physical Review A, 50(1), 863-866 (1994).
- Reliability of actinoid nuclear data; Differential data and integral tests
- Kikuchi Yasuyuki, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Takano Hideki, Mukaiyama Takehiko;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 36(3), 211-220 (1994).
- Radiative electron capture in relativistic atomic collisions
- Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Physical Review A, 49(3), 1875-1884 (1994).
- Fermi-gas model parametrization of nuclear level density
- Mengoni A., Nakajima Yutaka;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 31(2), 151-162 (1994).
- Algebraic and geometric approaches to the collective enhancement of nuclear level densities
- Mengoni A., Nakajima Yutaka et al.;
- Int. Conf. on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of Its 20th Anniversary, 0, 1-421 (1994).
- R-matrix analysis of neutron effective total cross section, fission cross section and capture cross section of 233U in the energy range from thermal to 150 eV
- Derrien H.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 31(5), 379-397 (1994).
- Spectral data and grotrian diagrams for highly ionized manganese, Mn VII through Mn XXV
- Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 23(2), 179-294 (1994).
- Hyperspherical coupled-channel calculation for antihydrogen formation in antiproton-positronium collisions
- Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27, L497-L501 (1994).
- Nuclear data activities in CIS
- Kikuchi Yasuyuki;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 36(4), 292-300 (1994).
~ 1993 ~
- Benchmark tests of principal fissile nuclide data in JENDL-3 with simple fast critical assemblies
- Tian D., Nakagawa Tsuneo et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 30(11), 1087-1098 (1993).
- Cross sections for electron capture in relativistic atomic collisions
- Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 55, 63-79 (1993).
- R-matrix analysis of 239Pu neutron transmissions and fission cross sections in energy range from 1.0 keV to 2.5 keV
- Derrien H.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 30(9), 845-862 (1993).
- Recommended cross sections for state-selective electron capture in collisions of C6+ and O8+ ions with atomic hydrogen
- Janev R. K., Shirai Toshizo et al.;
- Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 55, 201-232 (1993).
- Databases developed in JAERI
- Kikuchi Yasuyuki;
- Gensiryoku Kogyo, 39(10), 13-18 (1993).
- Vibron model description of vibrational spectra of the HCO and DCO molecules
- Mengoni A., Shirai Toshizo;
- J. Mol. Spectrosc., 162, 246-256 (1993).
- Spectral data and grotrian diagrams for highly ionized chromium, Cr V through Cr XXIV
- Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 22(5), 1279-1423 (1993).
- Nuclear data sheets for A=125
- Katakura Junichi, Oshima Masumi, Kitao Kensuke et al.;
- Nucl. Data Sheets, 70, 217-314 (1993).
- Review on measurements of neutron resonance parameters and neutron capture cross sections for the fission product mass region in Japan
- Nakajima Yutaka;
- Proc. of a Specialists' Meeting on Fission Product Nuclear Data, 147-161 (1993).
- Nuclear data evaluation for JENDL actinide file and high energy data files
- Nakagawa Tsuneo, Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi et al.;
- Proc. of the Future Nuclear Systems: Emerging Fuel Cycles and Waste Disposal Options; GLOBAL 93, 467-474 (1993).
~ 1992 ~
- Electromagnetic transition probabilities in the natural-parity rotational bands of 155,157Gd
- Kusakari Hideshige, Oshima Masumi, Sugawara Masahiko, Matsuzaki Masayuki et al.;
- Physical Review C, 46(4), 1257-1266 (1992).
- Neutron total cross sections of 239Pu from transmission measurements in the energy range of 1 ∼ 500 keV
- Derrien H.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 29(8), 794-804 (1992).
- Examination of various kinds of systematics of double-differential particle emission cross sections for medium-heavy nuclei important to fusion neutronics
- Yu B., Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 29(7), 677-689 (1992).
- Lifetime measurement of the first 2+ state in 122,124,126Ba
- Morikawa Tsuneyasu, Oshima Masumi, Sekine Toshiaki, Shibata Michihiro, Taniguchi A. et al.;
- Physical Review C, 46(1), R6-R9 (1992).
- JENDL-3 fission product nuclear data library
- Kawai Masayoshi, Iijima Shungo, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugi Teruo, Watanabe Takashi, Matsunobu Hiroyuki et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 29(3), 195-213 (1992).
- Spectral data and Grotrian diagrams for highly ionized cobalt, Co VIII through Co XXVII
- Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 21(1), 23-121 (1992).
- Spectral data and Grotrian diagrams for highly ionized vanadium, VVI through VXXIII
- Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 21(2), 273-390 (1992).
- JENDL-3 FP nuclear data library
- Nakagawa Tsuneo, Kawai Masayoshi, Iijima Shungo, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Watanabe Takashi, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugi Teruo, Takano Hideki et al.;
- Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 939-941 (1992).
- Status report of the JAERI on-line isotope separator
- Ichikawa Shinichi, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi, Nakahara Yoshinori et al.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 70, 93-100 (1992).
- Development of a laser-enhanced ion-guide ion source
- Oshima Masumi, Sekine Toshiaki et al.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 70, 241-244 (1992).
- Measurement of hold-up times in a thermal ion source for metallic and monoxide ions of lanthanum and cerium
- Ichikawa Shinichi, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi et al.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 70, 156-159 (1992).
~ 1991 ~
- Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1989 to March 1991
- Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 33(12), 1142-1150 (1991).
- Algebraic-eikonal approach to the electron-molecule-collision process; Vibrational excitation and quadrupole interaction
- Mengoni A., Shirai Toshizo;
- Physical Review A, 44(11), 7258-7268 (1991).
- Level scheme of 123Ba fed by the 123La decay
- Iimura Hideki, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi, Shinohara Nobuo, Yamamoto Hiroshi, Kawade Kiyoshi et al.;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 60(11), 3585-3588 (1991).
- Response to Dr.Drosgs comment
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 28(4), 1-346 (1991).
- Spectral data and Grotrian diagrams for highly ionized copper, Cu X - Cu XXIX
- Shirai Toshizo, Nakai Yota, Sugar J. et al.;
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 20(1), 1-81 (1991).
~ 1990 ~
- Measurement of hyperfine structure of the 4f35d 5G-4f36p5H in PrII by collinear laser-ion-beam spectroscopy
- Iimura Hideki, Nakahara Yoshinori et al.;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 59(12), 4208-4210 (1990).
- Benchmark tests of gamma-ray production data in JENDL-3 for some important nuclides
- Cai S., Nakagawa Tsuneo et al.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(9), 844-852 (1990).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data of natural silver and its isotopes
- Liu T., Shibata Keiichi, Nakagawa Tsuneo;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(8), 756-765 (1990).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data for 3He and 4He
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(1), 81-88 (1990).
- Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1987 to March 1989
- Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 32(1), 56-64 (1990).
- Measurement of 122Sn neutron resonance parameters
- Nakajima Yutaka, Okubo Makio, Mizumoto Motoharu, Sugimoto Masayoshi, Kawarasaki Yuki et al.;
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 17(2), 95-99 (1990).
- Neutron resonances in 133Cs
- Nakajima Yutaka, Okubo Makio, Sugimoto Masayoshi, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kawarasaki Yuki;
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 17(10), 569-577 (1990).
- Spectral data and grotrian diagrams for highly ionied iron, Fe VIII-Fe XXVI
- Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L., Nakai Yota et al.;
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 19(1), 127-275 (1990).
Modified at 2024/12/20 16:10 [JST]
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan