Nuclear Data Center
Recent Publications from JAEA Nuclear Data Center

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1990 - 1999   |   2000 - 2009   |   2010 - 2019   |   2020 - present  

Modified at 2024/12/20 16:10 [JST]

~  1999  ~

Rotational bands of 155Gd
Hayakawa Takehito, Oshima Masumi, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Katakura Junichi, Iimura Hideki, Matsuda Makoto, Mitarashi Shiro, Shimizu Y., Otsubo Shinichi, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Sugawara Masahiko, Kusakari Hideshige;
AIP Conference Proceedings, 495, 235-236 (1999).  [JOPSS]
Evaluation of neutron- and proton-induced nuclear data on 27Al up to 2GeV
Lee Y. O., Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(12), 1125-1134 (1999).  [JOPSS]
State-selected cross sections for ion production in the H++H2 collisions
Ichihara Akira, Iwamoto Osamu, Yokoyama Keiichi;
Atomic Collision Research in Japan, No.25, 28-29 (1999).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear data sheets for A=125
Katakura Junichi;
Nucl. Data Sheets, 86(4), 955-1118 (1999).  [JOPSS]
Mean-square nuclear charge radius of radioactive 144Ce by laser spectroscopy
Ishida Y., Iimura Hideki, Ichikawa Shinichi et al.;
Physical Review C, 59(3), 1794-1797 (1999).  [JOPSS]
Recent studies of unstable nuclei far from stability with the on-line isotope separators of JAERI
Sekine Toshiaki, Ichikawa Shinichi, Osa Akihiko, Koizumi Mitsuo, Iimura Hideki, Tsukada Kazuaki, Nishinaka Ichiro, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Nagame Yuichiro, Asai Masato, Shibata M., Kawade Kiyoshi, Kojima Yasuaki et al.;
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 239(1), 127-131 (1999).  [JOPSS]
Present status of minor actinide data
Nakagawa Tsuneo, Takano Hideki, Hasegawa Akira;
NEA/WPEC-8, 1-116 (1999).  [JOPSS]
Activity report of Japanese nuclear data committee in period of April 1997 to March 1999
Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 41(12), 1213-1221 (1999).  [JOPSS]
Rotational bands of 155Gd
Hayakawa Takehito, Oshima Masumi, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Katakura Junichi, Iimura Hideki, Matsuda Makoto, Mitarashi Shiro, Shimizu Y., Otsubo Shinichi, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Sugawara Masahiko, Kusakari Hideshige;
Nuclear Physics A, 657(1), 3-18 (1999).  [JOPSS]
General activities of JAERI nuclear data center and Japanese nuclear data committee
Fukahori Tokio;
Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Nuclear Data Production and Evaluation, 129-134 (1999).  [JOPSS]

~  1998  ~

Evaluation of photonuclear reaction data on tantalum-181 up to 140 MeV
Lee Y., Fukahori Tokio, Chang J.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 35(10), 685-691 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Alignment caused by photoionization and in radiative electron capture into excited states of hydrogenic high-Z ions
Eichler J., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo;
Physical Review A, 58(3), 2128-2135 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Identification of 161Sm and 165Gd
Ichikawa Shinichi, Tsukada Kazuaki, Nishinaka Ichiro, Iimura Hideki, Nagame Yuichiro, Asai Masato, Kojima Yasuaki, Shibata M., Kawade Kiyoshi, Oura Yasuji, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Osa Akihiko et al.;
Physical Review C, 58(2), 1329-1332 (1998).  [JOPSS]
The 1st INTERNET Symposium on Nuclear Data (ISND-1)
Fukahori Tokio, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Iwamoto Osamu;
Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 48(1), 31-36 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Evaluation of covariance data for chromium, iron and nickel contained in JENDL-3.2
Oh S., Shibata Keiichi;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 35(1), 66-75 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Conversion electron measurements in 125,127Ba
Iimura Hideki, Ichikawa Shinichi, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi et al.;
Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses (ENAM98), 544-547 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Molecular-state treatment of electron capture in collisions of Be3+ ions with He atoms below 10keV amu-1
Suzuki Shingo, Shimakura N., Shirai Toshizo, Kimura Mineo;
Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 31(8), 1741-1752 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear spectroscopy from the standpoint of nuclear data evaluation
Iimura Hideki, Katakura Junichi;
KURRI-KR-25, 27-29 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Present status and activities of High energy nuclear data evaluation; For future radiation utilization facilities
Fukahori Tokio, Mukaiyama Takehiko, Oyama Yukio, Chiba Satoshi, Takada Hiroshi, Maekawa Hiroshi, Shibata Tokushi, Nakamura Takashi, Watanabe Yukinobu et al.;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 40(1), 3-28 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Report of the first research coordinate meeting for IAEA/CRP on fission product yield data required for transmutation of minor actinide nuclear waste
Fukahori Tokio, Katakura Junichi;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 40(5), 363-366 (1998).  [JOPSS]
Introduction of model calculated β-ray spectrum to ENDF/B-VI fission products decay data file
Katakura Junichi, England T. R.;
Proc. of Int. Conf. on the Phys. of Nucl. Sci. and Technol., 1, 438-443 (1998).  [JOPSS]

~  1997  ~

Evaluation of neutron nuclear data for mercury
Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(12), 1171-1177 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Strong alignment observed for the time-reversed photoionization process studied in relativistic collisions with bare uranium ions
Stoehlker T., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Physical Review Letters, 79(17), 3270-3273 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Improvement of gamma-ray production data for JENDL-3.2
Shibata Keiichi, Asami Tetsuo, Mizumoto Motoharu et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(5), 503-509 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Soft-rotator model analysis of collective band structures of even-even actinide nuclei
Chiba Satoshi et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(5), 490-497 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Coulomb excitation of 155Gd
Kidera Masanori, Oshima Masumi, Hayakawa Takehito, Kusakari Hideshige, Sugawara Masahiko et al.;
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 66(2), 285-287 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Isotope shifts of optical transitions in Ce II by collinear laser-ion-beam spectroscopy
Ishida Y. et al.;
Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30(11), 2569-2579 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio, Takano Hideki, Watanabe Yukinobu, Kobayashi Katsuhei, Oyamatsu Kazuhiro et al.;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 39(10), 863-865 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1995 to March 1997
Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 39(12), 1019-1027 (1997).  [JOPSS]
The 21st international nuclear data committee meeting
Hasegawa Akira;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 39(11), 957-959 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear data sheets for A=124
Iimura Hideki, Katakura Junichi, Kitao Kensuke et al.;
Nucl. Data Sheets, 80(4), 895-1067 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Search for unknown isotopes using the JAERI-ISOL
Ichikawa Shinichi, Tsukada Kazuaki, Asai Masato, Osa Akihiko, Oura Yasutsugu, Nagame Yuichiro, Kawade Kiyoshi et al.;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 126(1-4), 205-208 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Consistent description of collective level structure and neutron interaction data for 12C in the framework of the soft-rotator model
Chiba Satoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Sugimoto Masayoshi, Mizumoto Motoharu, Hasegawa Kazuo, Sukhovitskii E. S., Watanabe Yukinobu et al.;
Nuclear Physics A, 624(3), 305-327 (1997).  [JOPSS]
Magnetic field effects on electron capture processes by highly charged ions: Collisions of B4+ ions with H atoms
Suzuki Shingo, Shirai Toshizo, Shimakura N.;
Phys. Scr., T73, 110-111 (1997).  [JOPSS]
JENDL-3.2 covariance file for fast reactors
Shibata Keiichi, Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio, Hasegawa Akira, Iwamoto Osamu, Kawano Toshihiko, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Murata Toru, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugimoto Masayoshi et al.;
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Science and Technol., 904-906 (1997).  [JOPSS]

~  1996  ~

Radiative electron capture and the photoelectric effect at high energies
Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Physical Review A, 54(6), 4954-4959 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Study on ion-molecule reactions in the H3+ system with the trajectory-surface-hopping model
Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo, Yokoyama Keiichi;
Journal of Chemical Physics, 105(5), 1857-1861 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Evaluation of neutron cross sections of hydrogen from 20MeV to 1GeV
Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 33(8), 654-662 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Identification of a new isotope 166Tb
Asai Masato, Tsukada Kazuaki, Osa Akihiko, Yamamoto Hiroshi, Kawade Kiyoshi, Shinohara Nobuo, Nagame Yuichiro et al.;
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 65(5), 1135-1138 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Applicability of optical model potentials for intermediate-energy nuclear data evaluations in the 1p-shell mass region
Chiba Satoshi et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 33(4), 346-353 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear data network in Japan
Kikuchi Yasuyuki;
10th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conf. (10-PBNC), 1, 1022-1025 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Measurement of Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Section and Resonance Integral of the 129I(n,γ) 130I Reaction
Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo, Kato Toshio;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 33(4), 283-289 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Decay and fission yield data library for ORIGEN2 code to reproduce the decay heat values recommended by Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Katakura Junichi;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 38(7), 609-615 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Mass separation of neutron-rich isotopes using a gas-jet coupled thermal ion source
Ichikawa Shinichi, Asai Masato, Tsukada Kazuaki, Osa Akihiko, Shinohara Nobuo, Nagame Yuichiro, Kawade Kiyoshi, Yamamoto Hiroshi et al.;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 374, 330-334 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Statistical model calculations of the 232U fission cross section
Maslov V. M. et al.;
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 124(3), 492-497 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Estimation of covariance data for JENDL-3.2
Shibata Keiichi, Chiba Satoshi, Kawano Toshihiko, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugimoto Masayoshi et al.;
PHYSOR 96: Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors, 3, F31-F39 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Excitation and ionization of excited helium atoms in collisions with bare ions
Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo;
Phys. Scr., T62, 95-104 (1996).  [JOPSS]
Decay properties of 245Cf
Magara Masaaki, Shinohara Nobuo, Tsukada Kazuaki, Usuda Shigekazu, Nagame Yuichiro, Kobayashi Yoshii, Oshima Masumi et al.;
Radiochimica Acta, 72, 39-43 (1996).  [JOPSS]

~  1995  ~

Japanese evaluated nuclear data library, version 3 revision-2; JENDL-3.2
Nakagawa Tsuneo, Shibata Keiichi, Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio, Nakajima Yutaka, Kawano Toshihiko, Kanda Yukinori, Osawa Takaaki, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Kawai Masayoshi, Watanabe Takashi, Kosako Kazuaki, Asami Tetsuo et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 32(12), 1259-1271 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Photonuclear angular distribution systematics in the quasideuteron regime
Chadwick M. B., Chiba Satoshi et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 32(11), 1154-1158 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Single-, double- and triple-electron capture cross sections for multicharged slow carbon ions in H2,CH4,C2H6,C3H8 and CO2 molecules
Ito Akio, Imanishi Nobutsugu, Hamamoto Nariaki, Tanaka Takashi, Saito Manabu, Haruyama Yoichi, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 64(9), 3255-3264 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Ab initio potential energy surfaces for the two lowest 1A' states of H3+
Ichihara Akira, Yokoyama Keiichi;
Journal of Chemical Physics, 103(6), 2109-2112 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Ionization of excited hydrogenlike ions by collisions with bare ions
Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo;
Physical Review A, 51(6), 4699-4703 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Evaluated gamma-ray production data of JENDL-3.2
Shibata Keiichi, Asami Tetsuo et al.;
INDC(NDS)-334, 0, 127-136 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Photon angular distributions from radiative electron capture in relativistic atomic collisions
Eichler J., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo;
Physical Review A, 51(4), 3027-3035 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Radiative electron capture studied in relativistic heavy-ion-atom collisions
Stoehlker Th., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Physical Review A, 51(3), 2098-2111 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Spectral data for highly ionized krypton, Kr V through Kr XXXVI
Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J. et al.;
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 24(4), 1577-1608 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Present status of research on intermediate energy nuclear data
Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi, Takada Hiroshi, Nakahara Yasuaki, Watanabe Yukinobu;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 37(4), 264-273 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1993 to March 1995
Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 37(12), 1095-1103 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Radiative electron capture in relativistic heavy-ion atom collisions
Stoehlker Th., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 98, 235-239 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Gamma-ray production data in JENDL-3.2
Shibata Keiichi, Maekawa Fujio;
Proc. of a Specialists Meeting on Measurement,Calculation and Evaluation of Photon Production Data, 0, 317-327 (1995).  [JOPSS]
JENDL-3 revision 2 - Its evaluation and validation
Kikuchi Yasuyuki, Takano Hideki, Nakagawa Tsuneo;
Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 73, 424-425 (1995).  [JOPSS]
Photon angular distribution of radiative electron capture into the M shell of He-like uranium ions at 110-140MeV/u
Kandler T., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Z. Phys., D, 35, 15-18 (1995).  [JOPSS]

~  1994  ~

Ionization of excited hydrogen atoms by collisions with bare ions
Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo;
Physical Review A, 50(6), 4945-4950 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Muon transfer and elastic acattering in t+dμ collisions at low energies
Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Physical Review A, 50(6), 4951-4955 (1994).  [JOPSS]
L-subshell resolved photon angular distribution of radiative electron capture into He-like uranium
Stoehlker Th., Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Physical Review Letters, 73(26), 3520-3523 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Impacts of data transformations on least-squares solutions and their significance in data analysis and evaluation
Chiba Satoshi et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 31(8), 770-781 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear moments of 143Pr by laser spectroscopy
Iimura Hideki, Nakahara Yoshinori et al.;
Physical Review C, 50(2), 661-665 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Mean field for the vibron model: Dipole-moment function of diatomic molecules
Mengoni A., Shirai Toshizo;
Physical Review A, 50(1), 863-866 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Reliability of actinoid nuclear data; Differential data and integral tests
Kikuchi Yasuyuki, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Takano Hideki, Mukaiyama Takehiko;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 36(3), 211-220 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Radiative electron capture in relativistic atomic collisions
Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Physical Review A, 49(3), 1875-1884 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Fermi-gas model parametrization of nuclear level density
Mengoni A., Nakajima Yutaka;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 31(2), 151-162 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Algebraic and geometric approaches to the collective enhancement of nuclear level densities
Mengoni A., Nakajima Yutaka et al.;
Int. Conf. on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of Its 20th Anniversary, 0, 1-421 (1994).  [JOPSS]
R-matrix analysis of neutron effective total cross section, fission cross section and capture cross section of 233U in the energy range from thermal to 150 eV
Derrien H.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 31(5), 379-397 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Spectral data and grotrian diagrams for highly ionized manganese, Mn VII through Mn XXV
Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 23(2), 179-294 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Hyperspherical coupled-channel calculation for antihydrogen formation in antiproton-positronium collisions
Igarashi Akinori, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27, L497-L501 (1994).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear data activities in CIS
Kikuchi Yasuyuki;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 36(4), 292-300 (1994).  [JOPSS]

~  1993  ~

Benchmark tests of principal fissile nuclide data in JENDL-3 with simple fast critical assemblies
Tian D., Nakagawa Tsuneo et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 30(11), 1087-1098 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Cross sections for electron capture in relativistic atomic collisions
Ichihara Akira, Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 55, 63-79 (1993).  [JOPSS]
R-matrix analysis of 239Pu neutron transmissions and fission cross sections in energy range from 1.0 keV to 2.5 keV
Derrien H.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 30(9), 845-862 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Recommended cross sections for state-selective electron capture in collisions of C6+ and O8+ ions with atomic hydrogen
Janev R. K., Shirai Toshizo et al.;
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 55, 201-232 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Databases developed in JAERI
Kikuchi Yasuyuki;
Gensiryoku Kogyo, 39(10), 13-18 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Vibron model description of vibrational spectra of the HCO and DCO molecules
Mengoni A., Shirai Toshizo;
J. Mol. Spectrosc., 162, 246-256 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Spectral data and grotrian diagrams for highly ionized chromium, Cr V through Cr XXIV
Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 22(5), 1279-1423 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear data sheets for A=125
Katakura Junichi, Oshima Masumi, Kitao Kensuke et al.;
Nucl. Data Sheets, 70, 217-314 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Review on measurements of neutron resonance parameters and neutron capture cross sections for the fission product mass region in Japan
Nakajima Yutaka;
Proc. of a Specialists' Meeting on Fission Product Nuclear Data, 147-161 (1993).  [JOPSS]
Nuclear data evaluation for JENDL actinide file and high energy data files
Nakagawa Tsuneo, Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi et al.;
Proc. of the Future Nuclear Systems: Emerging Fuel Cycles and Waste Disposal Options; GLOBAL 93, 467-474 (1993).  [JOPSS]

~  1992  ~

Electromagnetic transition probabilities in the natural-parity rotational bands of 155,157Gd
Kusakari Hideshige, Oshima Masumi, Sugawara Masahiko, Matsuzaki Masayuki et al.;
Physical Review C, 46(4), 1257-1266 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Neutron total cross sections of 239Pu from transmission measurements in the energy range of 1 ∼ 500 keV
Derrien H.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 29(8), 794-804 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Examination of various kinds of systematics of double-differential particle emission cross sections for medium-heavy nuclei important to fusion neutronics
Yu B., Chiba Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 29(7), 677-689 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Lifetime measurement of the first 2+ state in 122,124,126Ba
Morikawa Tsuneyasu, Oshima Masumi, Sekine Toshiaki, Shibata Michihiro, Taniguchi A. et al.;
Physical Review C, 46(1), R6-R9 (1992).  [JOPSS]
JENDL-3 fission product nuclear data library
Kawai Masayoshi, Iijima Shungo, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugi Teruo, Watanabe Takashi, Matsunobu Hiroyuki et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 29(3), 195-213 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Spectral data and Grotrian diagrams for highly ionized cobalt, Co VIII through Co XXVII
Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 21(1), 23-121 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Spectral data and Grotrian diagrams for highly ionized vanadium, VVI through VXXIII
Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L. et al.;
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 21(2), 273-390 (1992).  [JOPSS]
JENDL-3 FP nuclear data library
Nakagawa Tsuneo, Kawai Masayoshi, Iijima Shungo, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Watanabe Takashi, Nakajima Yutaka, Sugi Teruo, Takano Hideki et al.;
Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 939-941 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Status report of the JAERI on-line isotope separator
Ichikawa Shinichi, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi, Nakahara Yoshinori et al.;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 70, 93-100 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Development of a laser-enhanced ion-guide ion source
Oshima Masumi, Sekine Toshiaki et al.;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 70, 241-244 (1992).  [JOPSS]
Measurement of hold-up times in a thermal ion source for metallic and monoxide ions of lanthanum and cerium
Ichikawa Shinichi, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi et al.;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 70, 156-159 (1992).  [JOPSS]

~  1991  ~

Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1989 to March 1991
Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 33(12), 1142-1150 (1991).  [JOPSS]
Algebraic-eikonal approach to the electron-molecule-collision process; Vibrational excitation and quadrupole interaction
Mengoni A., Shirai Toshizo;
Physical Review A, 44(11), 7258-7268 (1991).  [JOPSS]
Level scheme of 123Ba fed by the 123La decay
Iimura Hideki, Sekine Toshiaki, Oshima Masumi, Shinohara Nobuo, Yamamoto Hiroshi, Kawade Kiyoshi et al.;
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 60(11), 3585-3588 (1991).  [JOPSS]
Response to Dr.Drosgs comment
Shibata Keiichi;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 28(4), 1-346 (1991).  [JOPSS]
Spectral data and Grotrian diagrams for highly ionized copper, Cu X - Cu XXIX
Shirai Toshizo, Nakai Yota, Sugar J. et al.;
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 20(1), 1-81 (1991).  [JOPSS]

~  1990  ~

Measurement of hyperfine structure of the 4f35d 5G-4f36p5H in PrII by collinear laser-ion-beam spectroscopy
Iimura Hideki, Nakahara Yoshinori et al.;
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 59(12), 4208-4210 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Benchmark tests of gamma-ray production data in JENDL-3 for some important nuclides
Cai S., Nakagawa Tsuneo et al.;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(9), 844-852 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Evaluation of neutron nuclear data of natural silver and its isotopes
Liu T., Shibata Keiichi, Nakagawa Tsuneo;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(8), 756-765 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Evaluation of neutron nuclear data for 3He and 4He
Shibata Keiichi;
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 27(1), 81-88 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Activity report of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee in period of April 1987 to March 1989
Japanese Nuclear Data Committee;
Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 32(1), 56-64 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Measurement of 122Sn neutron resonance parameters
Nakajima Yutaka, Okubo Makio, Mizumoto Motoharu, Sugimoto Masayoshi, Kawarasaki Yuki et al.;
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 17(2), 95-99 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Neutron resonances in 133Cs
Nakajima Yutaka, Okubo Makio, Sugimoto Masayoshi, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kawarasaki Yuki;
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 17(10), 569-577 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Spectral data and grotrian diagrams for highly ionied iron, Fe VIII-Fe XXVI
Shirai Toshizo, Sugar J., Wiese W. L., Nakai Yota et al.;
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 19(1), 127-275 (1990).  [JOPSS]
Modified at 2024/12/20 16:10 [JST]

Copyright © 1995-2024, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, Nuclear Data Center
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan