Modified at 2024/12/20 16:03 [JST]
~ 2024 ~
- Evaluation of thermal neutron scattering law of nuclear-grade isotropic graphite
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Kimura Atsushi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 294, 07001_1-07001_6 (2024).
- Extension of R-matrix code AMUR toward analysis on actinide nuclei; A Feasibility study on 233U
- Kunieda Satoshi;
- JAEA-Conf 2023-001, 138-142 (2024).
- FENDL: A Library for fusion research and applications
- Schnabel G., Kunieda Satoshi, Konno Chikara, Nakayama Shinsuke, 27 of others;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 193, 1-78 (2024).
- Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of 185Re in the keV energy region
- Katabuchi Tatsuya, Sato Yaoki, Takebe Karin, Igashira Masayuki, Umezawa Seigo, Fujioka Ryo, Saito Tatsuhiro, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 1-6 (2024).
~ 2023 ~
- Measurements of neutron total and capture cross sections of 139La and evaluation of resonance parameters
- Endo Shunsuke, Kawamura Shiori, Okudaira Takuya, Yoshikawa Hiromoto, Rovira Leveroni G., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- European Physical Journal A, 59(12), 288_1-288_12 (2023).
- Simulated performance evaluation of d-Be compact fast neutron source
- Nakayama Shinsuke;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(12), 1447-1453 (2023).
- Nuclear data as foundation of nuclear research and development
- Fukahori Tokio, Nakayama Shinsuke, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Shigyo Nobuhiro;
- Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMOΣ, 65(12), 726-727 (2023).
- Studying the impact of deuteron non-elastic breakup on 93Zr + d reaction cross sections measured at 28 MeV/nucleon
- Chillery T., Hwang J., Dozono Masanori, Imai Nobuaki, Michimasa Shinichiro, Sumikama Toshiyuki, Chiga Nobuyuki, Ota Shinsuke, Nakayama Shinsuke, 49 of others;
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2023(12), 121D01_1-121D01_11 (2023).
- Measurements of capture cross-section of 93Nb by activation method and half-life of 94Nb by mass analysis
- Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(11), 1361-1371 (2023).
- Report on the 35th Meeting of Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Tada Kenichi, Yokoyama Kenji;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 136, 1-6 (2023).
- Neutron capture cross-section measurement by mass spectrometry for Pb-204 irradiated in JRR-3
- Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Kimura Atsushi, Endo Shunsuke, Shizuma Toshiyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(9), 1133-1142 (2023).
- Neutron capture cross section and capture γ-ray spectrum of 88Sr in the stellar nucleosynthesis energy region
- Katabuchi Tatsuya, Igashira Masayuki, Kamada So, Tajika Michihide, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kawano Toshihiko;
- Physical Review C, 108(3), 034610_1-034610_12 (2023).
- JENDL photonuclear data file 2016
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kosako Kazuaki, Fukahori Tokio;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(8), 911-922 (2023).
- Development of correction method for sample density effect on PGA
- Maeda Makoto, Segawa Mariko, Toh Yosuke, Endo Shunsuke, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 332(8), 2995-2999 (2023).
- Impact of using JENDL-5 on neutronics analysis of transmutation systems
- Sugawara Takanori, Kunieda Satoshi;
- Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023) (Internet), 1-7 (2023).
- Neutron capture cross-section measurements with TC-Pn in KUR for some nuclides targeted for decommissioning
- Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Shibahara Yuji;
- KURNS Progress Report 2022, 73-73 (2023).
- Comparison of Ichimura-Austern-Vincent and Glauber models for the deuteron-induced inclusive breakup reaction in light and medium-mass nuclei
- Liu H., Nakayama Shinsuke, Lei J., Ren Z.;
- Physical Review C, 108(1), 014617_1-014617_8 (2023).
- Neutron total and capture cross-section measurements of 155Gd and 157Gd in the thermal energy region with the Li-glass detectors and NaI(Tl) spectrometer installed in J-PARC·MLF·ANNRI
- Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Rovira Leveroni G., Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Harada Hideo, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Terada Kazushi, Hori Junichi, Shibahara Yuji, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(6), 678-696 (2023).
- Measurement of the spatial polarization distribution of circularly polarized gamma rays produced by inverse Compton scattering
- Taira Yoshitaka, Endo Shunsuke, Kawamura Shiori, Nambu Taro, Okuizumi Mao, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Omer M., Zen H., Okano Yasuaki, Kitaguchi Masaaki;
- Physical Review A, 107(6), 063503_1-063503_10 (2023).
- Angular correlation of the two gamma rays produced in the thermal neutron capture on gadolinium-155 and gadolinium-157
- Goux P., Glessgen F., Gazzola E., Singh Reen M., Focillon W., Gonin M., Tanaka Tomoyuki, Hagiwara Kaito, Ali A., Sudo Takashi, Koshio Yusuke, Sakuda Makoto, Collazuol G., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Harada Hideo, Wurm M.;
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2023(6), 063H01_1-063H01_15 (2023).
- General-purpose nuclear data library JENDL-5 and to the next
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Nakayama Shinsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Nagaya Yasunobu, Tada Kenichi, Konno Chikara, Matsuda Norihiro, Yokoyama Kenji, Taninaka Hiroshi, Oizumi Akito, Okita Shoichiro;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, 14001_1-14001_7 (2023).
- Simultaneous evaluation of uranium and plutonium fast neutron fission cross sections up to 200 MeV for JENDL-5 and its updates
- Otsuka Naohiko, Iwamoto Osamu;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, 08011_1-08011_4 (2023).
- Deuteron and alpha sub-libraries of JENDL-5
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Sublet J.-Ch.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, 14011_1-14011_4 (2023).
- Present status of an R-matrix analysis code AMUR for cross-section evaluation in resolved resonance region
- Kunieda Satoshi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, 03014_1-03014_4 (2023).
- Evaluation of light-element reactions in the resolved resonance region
- Dimitriou P., Chen Z., deBoer R. J., Hale G., Kunieda Satoshi, Leeb H., Paris M., Pigni M. T., Srdinko Th., Tamagno P., Thompson I. J.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, 03002_1-03002_5 (2023).
- Neutron production in the interaction of 200-MeV deuterons with Li, Be, C, Al, Cu, Nb, In, Ta, and Au
- Watanabe Yukinobu, Sadamatsu Hiroki, Araki Shohei, Nakano Keita, Kawase Shoichiro, Kin Tadahiro, Iwamoto Yosuke, Satoh Daiki, Hagiwara Masayuki, Yashima Hiroshi, Shima Tatsushi, Nakayama Shinsuke;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, 01041_1-01041_4 (2023).
- Application for the epithermal polarized neutron beam at ANNRI in J-PARC
- Endo Shunsuke, Okudaira Takuya;
- Hamon, 33(2), 68-72 (2023).
- 241Am neutron capture cross section in the keV region using Si and Fe-filtered neutron beams
- Rovira Leveroni G., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Kodama Yu, Nakano Hideto;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(5), 489-499 (2023).
- Nuclear many-body effects on particle emission following muon capture on 28Si and 40Ca
- Minato Futoshi, Naito Tomoya, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Physical Review C, 107(5), 054314_1-054314_10 (2023).
- Angular distribution of γ rays from a neutron-induced p-wave resonance of 132Xe
- Okudaira Takuya, Tani Yuika, Endo Shunsuke, Doskow J., Fujioka Hiroyuki, Hirota Katsuya, Kameda Kento, Kimura Atsushi, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Luxnat M., Sakai Kenji, Schaper D., Shima Tatsushi, Shimizu Hirohiko, Snow W. M., Takada Shusuke, Yamamoto Tomoki, Yoshikawa Hiromoto, Yoshioka Tamaki;
- Physical Review C, 107(5), 054602_1-054602_7 (2023).
- JENDL-5 benchmarking for fission reactor applications
- Tada Kenichi, Nagaya Yasunobu, Taninaka Hiroshi, Yokoyama Kenji, Okita Shoichiro, Oizumi Akito, Fukushima Masahiro, Nakayama Shinsuke;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 1-21 (2023).
- Evaluation of covariance data in JENDL
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, 00009_1-00009_4 (2023).
- Updates to the AMUR code for R-matrix analyses on heavy nuclei
- Kunieda Satoshi, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, 00017_1-00017_6 (2023).
- Covariance of resonance parameters ascribed to systematic uncertainties in experiments
- Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Rovira Leveroni G.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, 00012_1-00012_5 (2023).
- Fast-neutron capture cross section data measurement of minor actinides for development of nuclear transmutation systems
- Katabuchi Tatsuya, Iwamoto Osamu, Hori Junichi, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Nakamura Shoji, Rovira Leveroni G., Endo Shunsuke, Shibahara Yuji, Terada Kazushi, Kodama Yu, Nakano Hideto, Sato Yaoki, Matsuura Shota;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, 00014_1-00014_4 (2023).
- Water contents in aggregates and cement pastes determined by gravimetric analysis and prompt γ-ray analysis
- Kinoshita Norikazu, Noto Takuma, Nakajima Hitoshi, Kosako Kazuaki, Kato Takahiro, Kuroiwa Yoichi, Kurabe Misako, Sasaki Yuki, Torii Kazuyuki, Maeda Makoto, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Segawa Mariko;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 332(2), 479-486 (2023).
- 60th Anniversary of the Sigma Committee; Thoughts on the 60th Anniversary of the Sigma Committee
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 134, 32-33 (2023).
- Collaboration with Dr. Efrem Sh. Soukhovitsukii; Our fortuitous experiences on optical model analysis, his contribution to nuclear data activities of Japan and a posthumous study on light-nuclei
- Kunieda Satoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi;
- European Physical Journal A, 59(1), 2_1-2_8 (2023).
- Estimation of double-differential cross-sections of 9Be(p,xn) reaction for new nuclear data library JENDL-5
- Kunieda Satoshi, Yamamoto Kazuyoshi, Konno Chikara, Iwamoto Yosuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Wakabayashi Yasuo, Ikeda Yujiro;
- Journal of Neutron Research, 24(3-4), 329-335 (2023).
- Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library version 5; JENDL-5
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Nakayama Shinsuke, Abe Yutaka, Tsubakihara Kosuke, Okumura Shin, Ishizuka Chikako, Yoshida Tadashi, Chiba Satoshi, Otsuka Naohiko, Sublet J.-Ch., Iwamoto Hiroki, Yamamoto Kazuyoshi, Nagaya Yasunobu, Tada Kenichi, Konno Chikara, Matsuda Norihiro, Yokoyama Kenji, Taninaka Hiroshi, Oizumi Akito, Fukushima Masahiro, Okita Shoichiro, Chiba Go, Sato Satoshi, Ota Masayuki, Kwon Saerom;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(1), 1-60 (2023).
- 241Am neutron capture cross section measurement using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC
- Rovira Leveroni G., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Kodama Yu, Nakano Hideto, Sato Yaoki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 1-19 (2023).
- Development of nuclear data processing code FRENDY version 2
- Tada Kenichi, Yamamoto Akio, Kunieda Satoshi, Konno Chikara, Kondo Ryoichi, Endo Tomohiro, Chiba Go, Ono Michitaka, Tojo Masayuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 1-10 (2023).
- Measurements of the neutron total and capture cross sections and derivation of the resonance parameters of 181Ta
- Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Rovira Leveroni G., Toh Yosuke, Segawa Mariko, Maeda Makoto;
- Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1-18 (2023).
~ 2022 ~
- Measurement of the transverse asymmetry of γ rays in the 117Sn(n,γ)118Sn reaction
- Endo Shunsuke, Okudaira Takuya, Abe Ryota, Fujioka Hiroyuki, Hirota Katsuya, Kimura Atsushi, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Oku Takayuki, Sakai Kenji, Shima Tatsushi, Shimizu Hirohiko, Takada Shusuke, Takahashi Shingo, Yamamoto Tomoki, Yoshikawa Hiromoto, Yoshioka Tamaki;
- Physical Review C, 106(6), 064601_1-064601_7 (2022).
- Theoretical evaluation of neutron thermal scattering laws of heavy water for JENDL-5
- Ichihara Akira, Abe Yutaka;
- JAEA-Conf 2022-001, 175-180 (2022).
- Release of the latest general-purpose nuclear data library JENDL-5
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Isotope News, 783, 2-5 (2022).
- Report on the 34th Meeting of Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Tada Kenichi, Sugawara Takanori, Yokoyama Kenji;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 133, 1-6 (2022).
- Paper award of Atomic Energy Society of Japan in 2021; JENDL/DEU-2020: deuteron nuclear data library for design studies of accelerator-based neutron sources
- Nakayama Shinsuke;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 133, 88-99 (2022).
- Activation cross section data in JENDL-5
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 133, 55-62 (2022).
- EXFOR-based simultaneous evaluation of neutron-induced uranium and plutonium fission cross sections for JENDL-5
- Otsuka Naohiko, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(8), 1004-1036 (2022).
- Evaluation of analyzing power of gamma-ray polarimeter
- Endo Shunsuke, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Zen H., Taira Yoshitaka, Omer M., Kawamura Shiori, Abe Ryota, Okudaira Takuya, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Shimizu Hirohiko;
- UVSOR-49, 38-38 (2022).
- Nuclear data as foundation of nuclear research and development
- Fukahori Tokio, Nakayama Shinsuke, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Shigyo Nobuhiro;
- Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMOΣ, 64(7), 413-414 (2022).
- Completion of JENDL-5 and prospects for its application to numerical analysis, 1; Overview of JENDL-5
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 132, 1-8 (2022).
- Effect of sample density in prompt γ-ray analysis
- Maeda Makoto, Segawa Mariko, Toh Yosuke, Endo Shunsuke, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi;
- Scientific Reports (Internet), 12(1), 6287_1-6287_8 (2022).
- Angular distribution of γ rays from the p-wave resonance of 118Sn
- Koga Jun, Takada Shusuke, Endo Shunsuke, Fujioka Hiroyuki, Hirota Katsuya, Ishizaki Kohei, Kimura Atsushi, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Niinomi Yudai, Okudaira Takuya, Sakai Kenji, Shima Tatsushi, Shimizu Hirohiko, Tani Yuika, Yamamoto Tomoki, Yoshikawa Hiromoto, Yoshioka Tamaki;
- Physical Review C, 105(5), 054615_1-054615_5 (2022).
- Thermal-neutron capture cross-section measurements of neptunium-237 with graphite thermal column in KUR
- Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(11), 1388-1398 (2022).
- Nuclear data generation by machine learning, 1; application to angular distributions for nucleon-nucleus scattering
- Watanabe Shoto, Minato Futoshi, Kimura Masaaki, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(11), 1399-1406 (2022).
- Low-lying dipole strength distribution in 204Pb
- Shizuma Toshiyuki, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Massarczyk R.,
Schwengner R., Beyer R., Hensel T., Hoffmann H.,
Junghans A., Römer, K., Turkat S., Wagner A.,
Tsoneva N.;
- Physical Review C, 106(4), 044326_1-044326_11 (2022).
- 241Am Neutron Capture Cross Section in the keV region using Si and Fe-filtered neutron beams
- Rovira Leveroni Gerard, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Kodama Yu, Nakano Hideto;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, , ____-____ (2022).
- The Optical potential for neutron-nucleus scattering derived by Bayesian optimization
- Watanabe Shoto, Minato Futoshi, Kimura Masaaki, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2022-001, 103-108 (2022)
- Calculation of recoil nucleus spectrum in the presence of multi-particle emission in nuclear reaction with Monte Carlo method as an extension of CCONE code
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(10), 1232-1241 (2022).
- Calculation of deuteron-induced reaction cross-sections for nuclear transmutation of long-lived fission products
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Furutachi Naoya, Iwamoto Osamu, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- NEA/NSC/R(2020)4, 345-349 (2022).
- s-process and stellar evolution
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- 科学, 92(9), 835-839 (2022).
- Calculation of β-decay half-lives within a Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov energy density functional with the proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation and isoscalar pairing strengths optimized by a Bayesian method
- Minato Futoshi, Niu Zhongming, Haozhao Liang;
- Physical Review C, 106(2), 024306_1-024306_13 (2022).
- High accuracy, high resolution 235U(n,f) cross section from n_TOF (CERN) from 18 meV to 10 keV
- Mastromarco M., Amaducci S., Colonna N. Kimura Atsushi, et al.;
- European Physical Journal A, 58(8), 147_1-147_13 (2022).
- Integral experiment of 129I(n,γ) using fast neutron source in the "YAYOI" reactor
- Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi Hatsukawa Yuichi, Harada Hideo;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(7), 851-865 (2022).
- Benchmark study of particle and heavy-ion transport code system using shielding integral benchmark archive and database for accelerator-shielding experiments
- Iwamoto Yosuke, Hashimoto Shintaro, Sato Tatsuhiko, Matsuda Norihiro,
Kunieda Satoshi, Celik Yurdunaz, Furutachi Naoya, Niita Koji;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(5), 665-675 (2022).
- Measurements of thermal-neutron capture cross-section of the 237Np(n,γ) reaction with TC-Pn in KUR
- Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Shibahara Yuji;
- KURNS Progress Report 2021, 93-93 (2022).
- KeV-neutron capture cross-section measurement of 197Au with a Cr-filtered neutron beam at the ANNRI beamline of MLF/J-PARC
- Rovira Leveroni Gerard, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Kodama Yu, Nakano Hideto, Sato Yaoki Hori Junichi, Shibahara Yuji, Terada Kazushi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(5), 647-655 (2022).
- Estimated isotopic compositions of Yb in enriched 176Yb for producing 177Lu with high radionuclide purity by 176Yb(d,x)177Lu
- Nagai Yasuki, Kawabata Masako, Hashimoto Shintaro, Tsukada Kazuaki,
Hashimoto Kazuyuki, Motoishi Shoji, Saeki Hideya, Motomura Arata,
Minato Futoshi, Ito Masatoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(5), 647-655 (2022).
- Theoretical study of deuteron-induced reactions in the nuclear data field
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Watanabe Yukinobu, Ogata Kazuyuki;
- Few-Body Systems, 63(1), 4_1-4_6 (2022).
- Investigation of radioactive samples for neutron capture reaction measurements using energy-resolved neutron imaging
- Segawa Mariko, Toh Yosuke, Kai Tetsuya, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji;
- Annals of Nuclear Energy, 167, 108828_1-108828_5 (2022).
- Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements and resonance parameter analysis of niobium-93 below 400 eV
- Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Rovira Leveroni G., Terada Kazushi, Meigo Shinichiro, Toh Yosuke, Segawa Mariko, Maeda Makoto, Tsuneyama Masayuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(3), 318-333 (2022).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on cobalt-59 for JENDL-5
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2021-001, 126-131 (2022)
- Theoretical analysis of deuteron-induced reactions and development of deuteron nuclear database
- Nakayama Shinsuke;
- JAEA-Conf 2021-001, 65-70 (2022)
- G-HyND: A Hybrid nuclear data estimator with Gaussian processes
- Iwamoto Hiroki, Iwamoto Osamu, Kunieda Satoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(3), 334-344 (2022).
- KeV-region analysis of the neutron capture cross-section of 237Np
- Rovira Leveroni Gerard, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Tosaka Kenichi, Matsuura Shota,
Kodama Yu, Nakano Hideto, Iwamoto Osamu, Kimura Atsushi,
Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(1), 110-122 (2022).
~ 2021 ~
- Large scale production of 64Cu and 67Cu via the 64Zn(n, p)64Cu and 68Zn(n, np/d)67Cu reactions using accelerator neutrons
- Kawabata Masako, Motoishi Shoji, Ota Akio, Motomura Arata, Saeki Hideya, Tsukada Kazuaki, Hashimoto Shintaro, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Nagai Yasuki, Hashimoto Kazuyuki;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 330(3), 913-922 (2021).
- Integral experiments of technetium-99 using fast-neutron source reactor "YAYOI"
- Nakamura Shoji, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Kimura Atsushi, Toh Yosuke, Harada Hideo;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(12), 1318-1329 (2021).
- Measurements of the neutron capture cross section of 243Am around 23.5 keV
- Kodama Yu, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Rovira Leveroni G., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Hori Junichi, Shibahara Yuji, Terada Kazushi, Nakano Hideto, Sato Yaoki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(11), 1159-1164 (2021).
- Thermal-neutron capture cross-section measurement of tantalum-181 using graphite thermal column at KUR
- Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(10), 1061-1070 (2021).
- β-delayed neutron-emission and fission calculations within relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation and a statistical model
- Minato Futoshi, Marketin T., Paar N.;
- Physical Review C, 104(4), 044321_1-044321_18 (2021).
- Thermal-neutron capture cross-section measurement of 237Np using graphite thermal column
- Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Shibahara Yuji;
- KURNS Progress Report 2020, 94-94 (2021).
- JENDL/DEU-2020; Deuteron nuclear data library for design studies of accelerator-based neutron sources
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Watanabe Yukinobu, Ogata Kazuyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(7), 805-821 (2021).
- Neutron capture cross sections of curium isotopes measured with ANNRI at J-PARC
- Kawase Shoichiro, Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Nakamura Shoji, Segawa Mariko, Toh Yosuke;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(7), 764-786 (2021).
- Neutron beam filter system for fast neutron cross-section measurement at the ANNRI beamline of MLF/J-PARC
- Rovira Leveroni G., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Terada Kazushi, Kodama Yu, Nakano Hideto, Hori Junichi, Shibahara Yuji;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1003, 165318_1-165318_10 (2021).
- Energy-dependent angular distribution of individual γ rays in the 139La(n,γ)140La* reaction
- Okudaira Takuya, Endo Shunsuke, Fujioka Hiroyuki, Hirota Katsuya, Ishizaki Kohei, Kimura Atsushi, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Koga Jun, Ninomi Yudai, Sakai Kenji, Shima Tatsushi, Shimizu Hirohiko, Takada Shusuke, Tani Yuika, Yamamoto Tomoki, Yoshikawa Hiromoto, Yoshioka Tamaki;
- Physical Review C, 104(1), 014601_1-014601_6 (2021).
- Feasibility study of PGAA for boride identification in simulated melted core materials
- Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Abe Yuta, Oishi Yuji, Kai Tetsuya, Toh Yosuke, Segawa Mariko, Maeda Makoto, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Masahide, Oikawa Kenichi, Matsumoto Yoshihiro, Parker J. D., Shinohara Takenao, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken;
- JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, 011074_1-011074_6 (2021).
- Development of a reference database for beta-delayed neutron emission
- Dimitriou P., Dillmann I., Singh B., Piksaikin V., Rykaczewski K. P., Tain J. L., Algora A., Banerjee. K., Borzov I. N., Cano-Ott D., Chiba Satoshi, Fallot M., Foligno D., Grzywacz R., Huang X., Marketin T., Minato Futoshi, Mukherjee G., Rasco B. C., Sonzogni A., Verpelli M., Egorov A., Estienne M., Giot L., Gremyachkin D., Madurga M., McCutchan E. A., Mendoza E., Mitrofanov K. V., Narbonne M., Romojaro P., Sanchez-Caballero A., Scielzo N. D.;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 173, 144-238 (2021).
- Thermal-neutron capture cross sections and resonance integrals of the 243Am(n,γ)244gAm and 243Am(n,γ)244m+gAm reactions
- Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(3), 259-277 (2021).
- High-spin states in 35S
- Go Shintaro, Ideguchi Eiji, Yokoyama Rin, Aoi Nori, Azaiez F., Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Kimura Atsushi, Kisamori Keiichi, Kobayashi Motoki, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Harada Hideo, Matea I., Michimasa Shinichiro, Miya Hiroyuki, Nakamura Shoji, Niikura Megumi, Nishibata Hiroki, Shimizu Noritaka, Shimoura Susumu, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Sugawara Masahiko, Suzuki Daisuke, Takaki Motonobu, Toh Yosuke, Utsuno Yutaka, Verney D., Yagi Ayumi;
- Physical Review C, 103(3), 034327_1-034327_8 (2021).
- Evaluation of fission product yields and associated covariance matrices
- Tsubakihara Kosuke, Okumura Shin, Ishizuka Chikako, Yoshida Tadashi, Minato Futoshi, Chiba Satoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(2), 151-165 (2021).
- Measurement of double-differential thick-target neutron yields of the C(d,n) reaction at 12, 20, and 30 MeV
- Patwary M. K. A, Kin Tadahiro, Aoki Katsumi, Yoshinami Kosuke, Yamaguchi Masaya, Watanabe Yukinobu, Tsukada Kazuaki, Sato Nozomi, Asai Masato, Sato Tetsuya, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Nakayama Shinsuke;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(2), 252-258 (2021).
- Low-lying electric and magnetic dipole strengths in 207Pb
- Shizuma Toshiyuki, Minato Futoshi, Omer M., Hayakawa Takehito, Ogaki Hideaki, Miyamoto Shuji;
- Physical Review C, 103(2), 024309_1-024309_8 (2021).
- Discovery of a new low energy neutron resonance of 89Y
- Katabuchi Tatsuya, Toh Yosuke, Mizumoto Motoharu, Saito Tatsuhiro, Terada Kazushi, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Huang M., Rovira Leveroni G., Igashira Masayuki;
- European Physical Journal A, 57(1), 4_1-4_4 (2021).
~ 2020 ~
- Recent progress and future plan on the JENDL project
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2020-001, 11-16 (2020).
- Report of 32nd Meeting of the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Tada Kenichi;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 127, 1-10 (2020).
- Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2020 Annual Meeting, joint session of "Sigma Advisory Committee", "Subcommittee on Nuclear Data" and "Subcommittee on Reactor Physics"; 20th Anniversary Symposium of Nuclear Data Subcommittee, 3; My vision for nuclear data research, what we will look like in 20 years
- Kimura Atsushi;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 127, 28-33 (2020).
- Development and application of a 3He neutron spin filter at J-PARC
- Okudaira Takuya, Oku Takayuki, Ino Takashi, Hayashida Hirotoshi, Kira Hiroshi, Sakai Kenji, Hiroi Kosuke, Takahashi Shingo, Aizawa Kazuya, Endo Hitoshi, Endo Shunsuke, Hino Masahiro, Hirota Katsuya, Honda Takashi, Ikeda Kazutaka, Kakurai Kazuhisa, Kambara Wataru, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Oda Tatsuro, Oshita Hidetoshi, Otomo Toshiya, Shimizu Hirohiko, Shinohara Takenao, Suzuki Junichi, Yamamoto Tomoki;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 977, 164301_1-164301_8 (2020).
- Study of the Li(d,xn) reaction for the development of accelerator-based neutron sources
- Watanabe Yukinobu, Sadamatsu Hiroki, Araki Shohei, Nakano Keita, Kawase Shoichiro, Kin Tadahiro, Iwamoto Yosuke, Satoh Daiki, Hagiwara Masayuki, Yashima Hiroshi, Shima Tatsushi, Nakayama Shinsuke;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 20012_1-20012_4 (2020).
- Recent progress of a code system DEURACS toward deuteron nuclear data evaluation
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 03014_1-03014_4 (2020).
- Status of JENDL
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Shibata Keiichi, Ichihara Akira, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Nakayama Shinsuke;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 09002_1-09002_6 (2020).
- Evaluation of gamma-ray strength function based on measured gamma-ray pulse-height spectra in time-of-flight neutron capture experiments
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Rovira G., Hara Kaoru, Iwamoto Osamu;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 17016_1-17016_4 (2020).
- HPRL; International cooperation to identify and monitor priority nuclear data needs for nuclear applications
- Dupont E., Bossant M., Capote R., Carlson A. D., Danon Y., Fleming M., Ge Z., Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Koning A. J., Massimi C., Negret A., Noguere G., Plompen A., Pronyaev V., Rimpault G, Simakov S., Stankovskiy A., Sun W., Trkov A., Wu H., Yokoyama Kenji;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 15005_1-15005_4 (2020).
- Fast neutron capture reaction data measurement of minor actinides for development of nuclear transmutation systems
- Katabuchi Tatsuya, Iwamoto Osamu, Hori Junichi, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Terada Kazushi, Rovira G., Matsuura Shota;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 01044_1-01044_4 (2020).
- Results of the Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organisation (CIELO) Project
- Fleming M., Chadwick M., Brown D., Capote R., Ge Z., Herman M., Ignatyuk A., Ivanova T., Iwamoto Osamu, Koning A., Plompen A., Trkov A.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 15003_1-15003_5 (2020).
- Overview of the OECD-NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC)
- Fleming M., Bernard D., Brown D., Chadwick M. B., De Saint Jean C., Dupont E., Ge Z., Harada Hideo, Hawari A., Herman M., Iwamoto Osamu, Kodeli I., Koning A., Malvagi F., McNabb D., Mills R. W., Noguère G., Palmiotti G., Plompen A., Salvatores M., Sobes V., White M. C., Yokoyama Kenji;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 15002_1-15002_4 (2020).
- Toward next JENDL Fission Yield Data and Decay Data
- Minato Futoshi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 242, 05004_1-05004_6 (2020).
- International network of nuclear structure and decay data evaluators
- Dimitriou P., Basunia S, Bernstein L., Chen J., Elekes Z., Huang X., Hurst A., Iimura Hideki, Jain A. K., Kelley J., Kibédi T., Kondev F., Lalkovski S., McCutchan E., Mitropolsky I., Mukherjee G., Negret A., Nesaraja C., Nica N., Pascu S., Rodionov A., Singh B., Singh S., Smith M., Sonzogni A., Timár J., Tuli J., Verpelli M., Yang D., Zerkin V.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, 15004_1-15004_4 (2020).
- Theoretical study of Nb isotope productions by muon capture reaction on 100Mo
- Ciccarelli M., Minato Futoshi, Naito Tomoya;
- Physical Review C, 102(3), 034306_1-034306_9 (2020).
- Measurement for thermal neutron capture cross sections and resonance integrals of the 243Am(n,γ)244gAm, 244m+gAm reactions
- Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Shibahara Yuji;
- KURNS Progress Report 2019, 132-132 (2020).
- Measurement of cesium isotopic ratio by thermal ionization mass spectrometry for neutron capture reaction studies on 135Cs
- Shibahara Yuji, Nakamura Shoji, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 325(1), 155-165 (2020).
- My doctoral research and life experience in Japan
- Rovira Leveroni G.;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 126, 34-42 (2020).
- Spallation and fragmentation cross sections for 168 MeV/nucleon 136Xe ions on proton, deuteron, and carbon targets
- Sun X. H., Wang H., Otsu Hideaki, Sakurai Hiroyoshi, Ahn D. S., Aikawa Masayuki, Fukuda Naoki, Isobe Tadaaki, Kawakami Shunsuke, Koyama Shumpei, Kubo Toshiyuki, Kubono Shigeru, Lorusso G., Maeda Yukishige, Makinaga Ayano, Momiyama Satoru, Nakano Keita, Nakayama Shinsuke, Niikura Megumi, Shiga Yoshiaki, Söderström P.-A., Suzuki Hiroshi, Takeda Hiroyuki, Takeuchi Satoshi, Taniuchi Ryo, Watanabe Yasushi, Watanabe Yukinobu, Yamasaki Hiroshi, Yang X. F., Ye Y. L., Yoshida Koichi;
- Physical Review C, 101(6), 064623_1-064623_12 (2020).
- Measurements of thermal-neutron capture cross-section of cesium-135 by applying mass spectrometry
- Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Osamu, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(4), 388-400 (2020).
- Anomalous radioisotope production for 68ZnO using polyethylene by accelerator neutrons
- Tsukada Kazuaki, Nagai Yasuki, Hashimoto Shintaro, Minato Futoshi, Kawabata Masako, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Hashimoto Kazuyuki, Watanabe Satoshi, Saeki Hideya, Motoishi Shoji;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 89(3), 034201_1-034201_7 (2020).
- Natural isotope abundance and thermal cross section
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Aisotopu Techo 12-Han, 117-130 (2020).
- Spin-isospin properties of N = Z odd-odd nuclei from a core+pn three-body model including core excitations
- Minato Futoshi, Tanimura Yusuke;
- European Physical Journal A, 56(2), 45_1-45_18 (2020).
- Neutron capture cross-section measurement and resolved resonance analysis of 237Np
- Rovira G., Katabuchi Tatsuya, Tosaka Kenichi, Matsuura Shota, Terada Kazushi, Iwamoto Osamu, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Segawa Mariko, Maeda Makoto;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(1), 24-39 (2020).
- IAEA Photonuclear Data Library 2019
- Kawano Toshihiko, Cho Y. S., Dimitriou P., Filipescu D., Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Plujko V., Tao X., Utsunomiya Hiroaki, Varlamov V., Xu R., Capote R., Gheorghe I., Gorbachenko O., Jin Y. L., Renstrøm T., Sin M., Stopani K., Tian Y., Tveten G. M., Wang J. M., Belgya T., Firestone R., Goriely S., Kopecky J., Krtička M., Schwengner R., Siem S., Wiedeking M.;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 163, 109-162 (2020).
Modified at 2024/12/20 16:03 [JST]
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