Modified at 2024/12/20 16:13 [JST]
~ 2019 ~
- JENDL/ImPACT-2018; A New nuclear data library for innovative studies on transmutation of long-lived fission products
- Kunieda Satoshi, Furutachi Naoya, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Nakayama Shinsuke, Ebata Shuichiro, Yoshida Toru, Nishihara Kenji, Watanabe Yukinobu, Niita Koji;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(12), 1073-1091 (2019).
- Conceptual study on parasitic low-energy RI beam production with in-flight separator BigRIPS the first stopping examinatiation for high-energy RI beams in the parasitic gas cell
- Sonoda Tetsu, Katayama Ichiro, Wada Michiharu, Iimura Hideki, Sonnenschein V., Iimura Shun, Takamine Aiko, Rosenbusch M., Kojima Takao, Ahn D. S., Fukuda Naoki, Kubo Toshiyuki, Nishimura Shunji, Shimizu Yohei, Suzuki Hiroshi, Takeda Hiroyuki, Tanigaki Minoru, Tomita Hideki, Yoshida Koichi, Ishiyama Hironobu;
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2019(11), 113D02_1-113D02_12 (2019).
- Reference database for photon strength functions
- Goriely S., Dimitriou P., Wiedeking M., Belgya T., Firestone R., Kopecky J., Krtička M., Plujko V., Schwengner R., Siem S., Utsunomiya Hiroaki, Hilaire S., Peru S., Cho Y. S., Filipescu D. M., Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kawano Toshihiko, Varlamov V., Xu R.;
- European Physical Journal A, 55(10), 172_1-172_52 (2019).
- Report of 31st Meeting of the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Yokoyama Kenji, Tada Kenichi;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 124, 23-34 (2019).
- Consistent description of light composite particle emission in deuteron-induced reactions
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- Physical Review C, 100(4), 044603_1-044603_8 (2019).
- Activation measurement for thermal-neutron capture cross-section of Cesium-135
- Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Osamu, Shibahara Yuji, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- KURNS Progress Report 2018, 106-106 (2019).
- Statistical properties of thermal neutron capture cross sections calculated with randomly generated resonance parameters
- Furutachi Naoya, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Physical Review C, 100(1), 014610_1-014610_7 (2019).
- Enhancement of element production by incomplete fusion reaction with weakly bound deuteron
- Wang H., Otsu Hideaki, Chiga Nobuyuki, Kawase Shoichiro, Takeuchi Satoshi, Sumikama Toshiyuki, Koyama Shumpei, Sakurai Hiroyoshi, Watanabe Yukinobu, Nakayama Shinsuke, Ahn D. S., Baba Hidetada, Chen S. D., Chikaato Kazuya, Cortés M. L., Fukuda Naoki, Hirayama Akihiro, Hosoda R., Isobe Tadaaki, Kawakami Shunsuke, Kondo Yosuke, Kubono Shigeru, Maeda Yukishige, Masuoka Shoichiro, Michimasa Shinichiro, Murray I., Nakajima Ryo, Nakamura Takashi, Nakano Keita, Nishimura Mitsuki, Ozaki Tomoyuki, Saito Atsumi, Saito Takeshi, Sato Hiromi, Shimizu Yohei, Shimoura Susumu, Söderström P.-A., Sodo Yoshiki, Sun X. H., Suwa Junki, Suzuki Daisuke, Suzuki Hiroshi, Takeda Hiroyuki, Takechi Maya, Togano Yasuhiro, Tomai Takato, Yamada Hiroki, Yasuda Masahiro, Yoshida Koichi;
- Communications Physics (Internet), 2(1), 78_1-78_6 (2019).
- Verification of R-matrix calculations for charged-particle reactions in the resolved resonance region for the 7Be system
- Thompson I. J., deBoer R. J., Dimitriou P., Kunieda Satoshi, Pigni M. T., Arbanas G., Leeb H., Srdinko Th., Hale G., Tamagno P., Archier P.;
- European Physical Journal A, 55(6), 92_1-92_16 (2019).
- Frontier of nuclear data researches on fission product nuclides, 1; Progress in nuclear data evaluation
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 123, 12-21 (2019).
- Present status and future prospect of high energy nuclear data used for radiation therapy
- Iwamoto Osamu, Kunieda Satoshi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Isotope News, 763, 4-7 (2019).
- Measurements of the 243Am neutron capture and total cross sections with ANNRI at J-PARC
- Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Terada Kazushi, Nakao Taro, Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Harada Hideo, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Igashira Masayuki, Sano Tadafumi, Takahashi Yoshiyuki, Pyeon C. H., Fukutani Satoshi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Yagi Takahiro, Takamiya Koichi, Hori Junichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(6), 479-492 (2019).
- Measurements of thermal-neutron capture cross-section and resonance integral of neptunium-237
- Nakamura Shoji, Kitatani Fumito, Kimura Atsushi, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(6), 493-502 (2019).
- International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2019), 3; Evaluation and theory
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Hashimoto Shintaro;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 123, 53-59 (2019).
- Phenomenological level density model with hybrid parameterization of deformed and spherical state densities
- Furutachi Naoya, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(5), 412-424 (2019).
- Measurements of neutron capture reaction cross-sections at ANNRI of MLF in J-PARC
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- ImPACT Fujita Puroguramu Kokai Seika Hokokukai "Kaku Henkan Niyoru Koreberu Hoshasei Haikibutsu No Ohaba Na Teigen, Shigenka" Seika Hokokusho, Shiryoshu, 78-81 (2019).
- Development of the standard evaluated database of nuclear reactions for long lived fission products
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- ImPACT Fujita Puroguramu Kokai Seika Hokokukai "Kaku Henkan Niyoru Koreberu Hoshasei Haikibutsu No Ohaba Na Teigen, Shigenka" Seika Hokokusho, Shiryoshu, 102-105 (2019).
- Summary report on Consultants' Meeting of INDEN on the Evaluated Nuclear Data of the Structural Materials
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 122, 5-8 (2019).
- 3rd RCM on Updating the Photonuclear Data Library and Generating a Reference Database for Photon Strength Functions
- Utsunomiya Hiroaki, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kawano Toshihiko;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 122, 26-32 (2019).
- Impulsing paradigm change through disruptive technologies program, ImPACT; Reduction and resource recycling of high-level radioactive waste through nuclear transmutation
- Iwamoto Osamu, Fujita Reiko, Niita Koji, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 122, 33-43 (2019).
- ACE library of JENDL-4.0/HE
- Matsuda Norihiro, Kunieda Satoshi, Okamoto Tsutomu, Tada Kenichi, Konno Chikara;
- Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 6, 225-229 (2019).
- Measurements of gamma-ray emission probabilities in the decay of americium-244g
- Nakamura Shoji, Terada Kazushi, Kimura Atsushi, Nakao Taro, Iwamoto Osamu, Harada Hideo, Uehara Akihiro, Takamiya Koichi, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(1), 123-129 (2019).
- Gamma-ray spectrum from thermal neutron capture on gadolinium-157
- Hagiwara Kaito, Yano Takatomi, Das P. K., Lorenz S., Ou Iwa, Sakuda Makoto, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Harada Hideo, 13 of others;
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2019(2), 023D01_1-023D01_26 (2019).
- Cross section measurements of 155,157Gd(n,γ) induced by thermal and epithermal neutrons
- Mastromarco M., Manna A., Aberle O., Andrzejewski J., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 116 of others;
- European Physical Journal A, 55(1), 9_1-9_20 (2019).
- Measurement of 73Ge(n,γ) cross sections and implications for stellar nucleosynthesis
- Lederer-Woods C., Battino U., Ferreira P., Gawlik A., Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 128 of others;
- Physics Letters B, 790, 458-465 (2019).
~ 2018 ~
- Dipole strength distribution in 206Pb for the evaluation of the neutron capture cross section of 205Pb
- Shizuma Toshiyuki, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Makinaga Ayano, Massarczyk R., Schwengner R., Beyer R., Bemmerer D., Dietz M., Junghans A., Kögler T., Ludwig F., Reinicke S., Schulz S., Urlaß S., Wagner A.;
- Physical Review C, 98(6), 064317_1-064317_12 (2018).
- Present status and future plan of JENDL
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2018-001, 87-91 (2018).
- Progress of neutron-capture cross-section measurements promoted by ImPACT project at ANNRI in MLF of J-PARC
- Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Hales B. P., Iwamoto Osamu, Shibahara Yuji, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2018-001, 199-203 (2018).
- Analysis of 135Cs/137Cs isotopic ratio for samples used for neutron capture cross section measurement project by thermal ionization mass spectrometry
- Shibahara Yuji, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Hales B. P., Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2018-001, 205-210 (2018).
- Measurements of neutron total and capture cross sections of 241Am with ANNRI at J-PARC
- Terada Kazushi, Kimura Atsushi, Nakao Taro, Nakamura Shoji, Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Harada Hideo, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Igashira Masayuki, Sano Tadafumi, Takahashi Yoshiyuki, Pyeon C. H., Fukutani Satoshi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Yagi Takahiro, Takamiya Koichi, Hori Junichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(10), 1198-1211 (2018).
- Role of breakup processes in deuteron-induced spallation reactions at 100-200 MeV/nucleon
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Furutachi Naoya, Iwamoto Osamu, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- Physical Review C, 98(4), 044606_1-044606_8 (2018).
- Neutron energy dependence of delayed neutron yields and its assessments
- Minato Futoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(9), 1054-1064 (2018).
- Theoretical calculation of neutron cross sections for 90,91,92,94,96Zr in the incident energy range between 200 keV and 20 MeV
- Ichihara Akira;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(9), 1087-1098 (2018).
- Calculation of neutron cross-sections on copper-63 and -65
- Nakayama Shinsuke;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(6), 614-622 (2018).
- 2018 Annual Meeting of Japan Atomic Energy Society, Session of Subcommittees and Liaison Meetings, Nuclear Subcommittee [co-sponsor of Sigma Advisory Committee], Present status and future of nuclear data evaluation code in Japan, 2; Progress of a nuclear model code CCONE
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 120, 11-18 (2018).
- Joint Session of Nuclear Data Subcommittee and Sigma Special Advisory Committee; Present status and future of nuclear data evaluation code in Japan, 3; Development of DEURACS for prediction of deuteron-induced reaction cross section
- Nakayama Shinsuke;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 120, 19-25 (2018).
- Report on the 30th Meeting of Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Yokoyama Kenji, Tada Kenichi;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 120, 35-46 (2018).
- Evaluation of neutron capture cross section on 205Pb with photonuclear data
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Shizuma Toshiyuki;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 178, 06004_1-06004_3 (2018).
- Developing reliable reaction γ-ray data
- Dimitriou P., Belgya T., Cho Y.-S., Filipescu D., Firestone R., Goriely S., Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kawano Toshihiko, Kopecky J., Krticka M., Plujko V., Siem S., Schwengner R., Utsunomiya Hiroaki, Vlarlamov V., Wiedeking M., Xu R.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 178, 06005_1-06005_3 (2018).
- 99Mo yield using large sample mass of MoO3 for sustainable production of 99Mo
- Tsukada Kazuaki, Nagai Yasuki, Hashimoto Kazuyuki, Kawabata Masako, Minato Futoshi, Saeki Hideya, Motoishi Shoji, Ito Masatoshi;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(4), 043201_1-043201_5 (2018).
- Report on the 16th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 119, 1-5 (2018).
- CIELO collaboration summary results; International evaluations of neutron reactions on uranium, plutonium, iron, oxygen and hydrogen
- Chadwick M. B., Capote R., Trkov A., Herman M. W., Brown D. A., Hale G. M., Kahler A. C., Talou P., Plompen A. J., Schillebeeckx P., Pigni M. T., Leal L., Danon Y., Carlson A. D., Romain P., Morillon B., Bauge E., Hambsch F.-J., Kopecky S., Giorginis G., Kawano Toshihiko, Lestone J., Neudecker D., Rising M., Paris M., Nobre G. P. A., Arcilla R., Cabellos O., Hill I., Dupont E., Koning A. J., Cano-Ott D., Mendoza E., Balibrea J., Paradela C., Duran I., Qian J., Ge Z., Liu T., Hanlin L., Ruan X., Haicheng W., Sin M., Noguere G., Bernard D., Jacqmin R., Bouland O., De Saint Jean C., Pronyaev V. G., Ignatyuk A. V., Yokoyama Kenji, Ishikawa Makoto, Fukahori Tokio, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Kunieda Satoshi, Lubitz C. R., Salvatores M., Palmiotti G., Kodeli I., Kiedrowski B., Roubtsov D., Thompson I., Quaglioni S., Kim H. I., Lee Y. O., Fischer U., Simakov S., Dunn M., Guber K., Marquez Damian J. I., Cantargi F., Sirakov I., Otsuka Naohiko, Daskalakis A., McDermott B. J., Van der Marck S. C.;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 148, 189-213 (2018).
- Theoretical model analysis of (d,xn) reactions on 7Li at 25, 40, and 102 MeV
- Sadamatsu Hiroki, Nakayama Shinsuke, Watanabe Yukinobu, Iwamoto Osamu, Ogata Kazuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2017-001, 135-140 (2018).
- Theoretical model analysis of composite-particle emission from deuteron-induced reactions
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- JAEA-Conf 2017-001, 91-96 (2018).
- Evaluation of neutron resonance parameters for Zr isotopes
- Ichihara Akira;
- JAEA-Conf 2017-001, 103-108 (2018).
- Resonance analysis of cross section data measured by J-PARC/MLF using the modified REFIT code
- Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Terada Kazushi, Nakao Taro;
- JAEA-Conf 2017-001, 163-168 (2018).
- Measurement of the neutron capture cross-section of 133Cs as a part of the ImPACT project
- Hales B. P., Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2017-001, 199-203 (2018).
- Research on neutron capture cross sections at J-PARC in ImPACT Project
- Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Hales B. P., Iwamoto Osamu, Tsubata Yasuhiro, Matsumura Tatsuro, Shibahara Yuji, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2017-001, 15-22 (2018).
- Consistency check of experimental data using evaluated photonuclear data
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2017-001, 187-192 (2018).
- Cutting-edge studies on nuclear data for continuous and emerging need, 8; Evolution of the nuclear data library JENDL
- Iwamoto Osamu, Shibata Keiichi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Chiba Go;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 60(6), 357-361 (2018).
- Cutting-edge studies on nuclear data for continuous and emerging need, 4; Nuclear chart; Magnificent landscape of nuclei
- Koura Hiroyuki, Minato Futoshi, Iimura Hideki;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 60(1), 35-40 (2018).
- The Laser and optical system for the RIBF-PALIS experiment
- Sonoda Tetsu, Iimura Hideki, Reponen M., Wada Michiharu, Katayama Ichiro, Sonnenschein V., Takamatsu Takahide, Tomita Hideki, Kojima Takao;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 877, 118-123 (2018).
- 7Be(n,p)7Li reaction and the cosmological lithium problem; Measurement of the cross section in a wide energy range at n_TOF at CERN
- Damone L., Barbagallo M., Mastromarco M., Cosentino L., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 152 of others;
- Physical Review Letters, 121(4), 042701_1-042701_7 (2018).
- Characterization of germanium detectors for the measurement of the angular distribution of prompt γ-rays at the ANNRI in the MLF of the J-PARC
- Takada Shusuke, Okudaira Takuya, Goto Fumiya, Hirota Katsuya, Kimura Atsushi, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Koga Jun, Nakao Taro, Sakai Kenji, Shimizu Hirohiko, Yamamoto Tomoki, Yoshioka Tamaki;
- Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 13(2), P02018_1-P02018_21 (2018).
- Experimental setup and procedure for the measurement of the 7Be(n,p)7Li reaction at n_TOF
- Barbagallo M., Andrzejewski J., Mastromarco M., Perkowski J., Damone L. A., Gawlik A., Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 122 of others;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 887, 27-33 (2018).
- Radiative neutron capture on 242Pu in the resonance region at the CERN n_TOF-EAR1 facility
- Lerendegui-Marco J., Guerrero C., Mendoza E., Quesada J. M., Eberhardt K., Junghans A. R., Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 126 of others;
- Physical Review C, 97(2), 024605_1-024605_21 (2018).
- Angular distribution of γ rays from neutron-induced compound states of 140La
- Okudaira Takuya, Takada Shusuke, Hirota Katsuya, Kimura Atsushi, Kitaguchi Masaaki, Koga Jun, Nagamoto Kosuke, Nakao Taro, Okada Anju, Sakai Kenji, Shimizu Hirohiko, Yamamoto Tomoki, Yoshioka Tamaki;
- Physical Review C, 97(3), 034622_1-034622_15 (2018).
~ 2017 ~
- Proton-neutron random phase approximation studied by the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in the Su(2) × Su(2) Group
- Minato Futoshi;
- Acta Physica Polonica B; Proceedings Supplement, 10(1), 131-138 (2017).
- Small talk about experiments at n_TOF in CERN
- Kimura Atsushi;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 118, 36-42 (2017).
- Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 2; Neutron scattering instruments
- Nakajima Kenji, Kawakita Yukinobu, Ito Shinichi, Abe Jun, Aizawa Kazuya, Aoki Hiroyuki, Endo Hitoshi, Fujita Masaki, Funakoshi Kenichi, Gong W., Harada Masahide, Harjo S., Hattori Takanori, Hino Masahiro, Honda Takashi, Hoshikawa Akinori, Ikeda Kazutaka, Ino Takashi, Ishigaki Toru, Ishikawa Yoshihisa, Iwase Hiroki, Kai Tetsuya, Kajimoto Ryoichi, Kamiyama Takashi, Kaneko Naokatsu, Kawana Daichi, Kawamura Seiko, Kawasaki Takuro, Kimura Atsushi, Kiyanagi Ryoji, Kojima Kenji, Kusaka Katsuhiro, Lee S., Machida Shinichi, Masuda Takatsugu, Mishima Kenji, Mitamura Koji, Nakamura Mitsutaka, Nakamura Shoji, Nakao Akiko, Oda Tatsuro, Ohara Takashi, Oishi Kazuki, Oshita Hidetoshi, Oikawa Kenichi, Otomo Toshiya, Sano Asami, Shibata Kaoru, Shinohara Takenao, Soyama Kazuhiko, Suzuki Junichi, Suzuya Kentaro, Takahara Atsushi, Takata Shinichi, Takeda Masayasu, Toh Yosuke, Torii Shuki, Torikai Naoya, Yamada Norifumi, Yamada Taro, Yamazaki Dai, Yokoo Tetsuya, Yonemura Masao, Yoshizawa Hideki;
- Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(3), 9_1-9_59 (2017).
- Interference effect between neutron direct and resonance capture reactions for neutron-rich nuclei
- Minato Futoshi, Fukui Tokuro;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 163, 00037_1-00037_5 (2017).
- Measurement and estimation of the 99Mo production yield by 100Mo(n,2n)99Mo
- Minato Futoshi, Tsukada Kazuaki, Sato Nozomi, Watanabe Satoshi, Saeki Hideya, Kawabata Masako, Hashimoto Shintaro, Nagai Yasuki;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86(11), 114803_1-114803_6 (2017).
- Cutting-edge studies on nuclear data for continuous and emerging need, 2; Nuclear data measurements and theoretical analysis in the resonance region
- Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Kunieda Satoshi, Katabuchi Tatsuya;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 59(11), 654-658 (2017).
- Theoretical investigation of two-particle two-hole effects on spin-isospin excitations through charge-exchange reactions
- Fukui Tokuro, Minato Futoshi;
- Physical Review C, 96(5), 054608_1-054608_8 (2017).
- Cutting-edge studies on nuclear data for continuous and emerging need, 1; Diversifying nuclear applications and need for the nuclear data
- Suyama Kenya, Kunieda Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Go;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 59(10), 598-602 (2017).
- Low-lying dipole strength in 52Cr
- Shizuma Toshiyuki, Hayakawa Takehito, Daito Izuru, Ogaki Hideaki, Miyamoto Shuji, Minato Futoshi;
- Physical Review C, 96(4), 044316_1-044316_10 (2017).
- Deuteron nuclear data for the design of accelerator-based neutron sources: Measurement, model analysis, evaluation, and application
- Watanabe Yukinobu, Kin Tadahiro, Araki Shohei, Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 03006_1-03006_6 (2017).
- Development of a code system DEURACS for theoretical analysis and prediction of deuteron-induced reactions
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Kono Hiroshi, Watanabe Yukinobu, Iwamoto Osamu, Ye T., Ogata Kazuyuki;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 12025_1-12025_4 (2017).
- FRENDY; A New nuclear date processing system being developed at JAEA
- Tada Kenichi, Nagaya Yasunobu, Kunieda Satoshi, Suyama Kenya, Fukahori Tokio;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 02028_1-02028_5 (2017).
- Nuclear data evaluation of long-lived fission products; Microscopic vs. phenomenological optical potentials
- Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Minomo Kosho, Ogata Kazuyuki, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Furutachi Naoya;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 12032_1-12032_4 (2017).
- Technical developments for accurate determination of amount of samples used for TOF measurements
- Terada Kazushi, Nakao Taro, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Osamu, Harada Hideo, Takamiya Koichi, Hori Junichi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 03019_1-03019_4 (2017).
- Application of modified REFIT code for J-PARC/MLF to evaluation of neutron capture cross section on 155,157Gd
- Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Hasemi Hiroyuki, Kino Koichi, Kimura Atsushi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 11042_1-11042_4 (2017).
- Neutron capture cross section measurements of 120Sn, 122Sn and 124Sn with the array of Ge spectrometer at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Hori Junichi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 11031_1-11031_4 (2017).
- Status of the JENDL project
- Iwamoto Osamu, Shibata Keiichi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Ichihara Akira, Nakayama Shinsuke;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 02005_1-02005_6 (2017).
- Status of the R-matrix code AMUR toward a consistent cross-section evaluation and covariance analysis for the light nuclei
- Kunieda Satoshi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 12029_1-12029_4 (2017).
- Inter-comparison of Hauser-Feshbach model codes toward better actinide evaluations
- Capote R., Hilaire S., Iwamoto Osamu, Kawano Toshihiko, Sin M.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 12034_1-12034_4 (2017).
- Developments of a new data acquisition system at ANNRI
- Nakao Taro, Terada Kazushi, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu, Harada Hideo, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Igashira Masayuki, Hori Junichi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 03021_1-03021_4 (2017).
- Research and development for accuracy improvement of neutron nuclear data on minor actinides
- Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Terada Kazushi, Nakao Taro, Nakamura Shoji, Mizuyama Kazuhito, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Sano Tadafumi, Shibahara Yuji, Takahashi Yoshiyuki, Takamiya Koichi, Pyeon C. H., Fukutani Satoshi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Hori Junichi, Yashima Hiroshi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 11001_1-11001_6 (2017).
- Improving nuclear data accuracy of 241 Am and 237 Np capture cross sections
- Žerovnik G., Schillebeeckx P., Cano-Ott D., Jandel M., Hori Junichi, Kimura Atsushi, Rossbach M., Letourneau A., Noguere G., Leconte P., Sano Tadafumi, Kellett M. A., Iwamoto Osamu, Ignatyuk A. V., Cabellos O., Genreith C., Harada Hideo;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 11035_1-11035_4 (2017).
- Evaluation of neutron total and capture cross sections on 99Tc in the unresolved resonance region
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 02049_1-02049_4 (2017).
- Characterization of the n_TOF EAR-2 neutron beam
- Chen Y. H., Tassan-Got L., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 130 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 03020_1-03020_4 (2017).
- The 33S(n, α)30Si cross section measurement at n_TOF-EAR2 (CERN); From 0.01 eV to the resonance region
- Sabaté-Gilarte M., Praena J., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 126 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 08004_1-08004_4 (2017).
- Dissemination of data measured at the CERN n_TOF facility
- Dupont E., Otsuka Naohiko, Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 224 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 07002_1-07002_4 (2017).
- New measurement of the 242Pu(n, γ) cross section at n_TOF-EAR1 for MOX fuels; Preliminary results in the RRR
- Lerendegui-Marco J., Guerrero C., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 115 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 11045_1-11045_4 (2017).
- The Measurement programme at the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN
- Gunsing F., Aberle O., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 147 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 11002_1-11002_6 (2017).
- Measurement of the 240Pu(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n_TOF facility; First results from experimental area II (EAR-2)
- Stamatopoulos A., Tsinganis A., Colonna N., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 126 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 04030_1-04030_4 (2017).
- Monte Carlo simulations of the n_TOF lead spallation target with the Geant4 toolkit; A Benchmark study
- Lerendegui-Marco J., Cortés-Giraldo M. A., Guerrero C., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 114 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 03030_1-03030_4 (2017).
- 7Be(n,α) and 7Be(n,p) cross-section measurement for the cosmological lithium problem at the n_TOF facility at CERN
- Barbagallo M., Colonna N., Aberle O., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 125 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 01012_1-01012_4 (2017).
- The n_TOF facility; Neutron beams for challenging future measurements at CERN
- Chiaveri E., Aberle O., Andrzejewski J., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 111 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 03001_1-03001_4 (2017).
- Time-of-flight and activation experiments on 147Pm and 171Tm for astrophysics
- Guerrero C., Lerendegui-Marco J., Domingo-Pardo C., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 113 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 01007_1-01007_4 (2017).
- The CIELO collaboration; Progress in international evaluations of neutron reactions on Oxygen, Iron, Uranium and Plutonium
- Chadwick M. B., Capote R., Trkov A., Kahler A. C., Herman M. W., Brown D. A., Hale G. M., Pigni M., Dunn M., Leal L., Plompen A., Schillebeeck P., Hambsch F.-J., Kawano Toshihiko, Talou P., Jandel M., Mosby S., Lestone J., Neudecker D., Rising M., Paris M., Nobre G. P. A., Arcilla R., Kopecky S., Giorginis G., Cabellos O., Hill I., Dupont E., Danon Y., Jing Q., Zhigang G., Tingjin L., Hanlin L., Xichao R., Haicheng W., Sin M., Bauge E., Romain P., Morillon B., Noguere G., Jacqmin R., Bouland O., De Saint Jean C., Pronyaev V. G., Ignatyuk A., Yokoyama Kenji, Ishikawa Makoto, Fukahori Tokio, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Kunieda Satoshi, Lubitz C. R., Palmiotti G., Salvatores M., Kodeli I., Kiedrowski B., Roubtsov D., Thompson I., Quaglioni S., Kim H. I., Lee Y. O., Koning A. J., Carlson A., Fischer U., Sirakov I.;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 02001_1-02001_9 (2017).
- A New evaluation of the neutron data standards
- Carlson A. D., Pronyaev V., Hale G. M., Zhenpeng C., Capote R., Duran I., Hambsch F.-J., Kawano Toshihiko, Kunieda Satoshi, 13 of others;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 146, 02025_1-02025_4 (2017).
- Intermediate-spin states of 92Zr and a large B(E2) value between the 101+ and 81+ states
- Sugawara Masahiko, Toh Yosuke, Koizumi Mitsuo, Oshima Masumi, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Kusakari Hideshige;
- Physical Review C, 96(2), 024314_1-024314_7 (2017).
- Laser ablation absorption spectroscopy for isotopic analysis of plutonium; Spectroscopic properties and analytical performance
- Miyabe Masabumi, Oba Masaki, Jung K., Iimura Hideki, Akaoka Katsuaki, Kato Masaaki, Otobe Haruyoshi, Khumaeni A., Wakaida Ikuo;
- Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, 134, 42-51 (2017).
- Development and verification of a new nuclear data processing system FRENDY
- Tada Kenichi, Nagaya Yasunobu, Kunieda Satoshi, Suyama Kenya, Fukahori Tokio;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(7), 806-817 (2017).
- Probing surface distributions of α clusters in 20Ne via α-transfer reaction
- Fukui Tokuro, Taniguchi Yasutaka, Suhara Tadahiro, Enyo Yoshiko, Ogata Kazuyuki;
- Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 863(1), 012036_1-012036_3 (2017).
- High-precision mass analysis of RI sample for cross-section measurements
- Nakamura Shoji, Shibahara Yuji, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Hales B. P., Iwamoto Osamu;
- KURRI Progress Report 2016, 66-66 (2017).
- Report on the 29th Meeting of Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
- Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Osamu, Kimura Atsushi, Yokoyama Kenji, Tada Kenichi;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 117, 36-51 (2017).
- Joint Session of Sigma Special Advisory Committee, Nuclear Data Subcommittee, and Reactor Physics Subcommittee; Current status and future perspective of the verification and validation (V&V) of JENDL and neutronics calculation codes by use of the benchmark problems and integral experiments, 5; Status of JENDL development and requests to V&V
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 117, 30-35 (2017).
- Simultaneous measurement of neutron-induced fission and capture cross sections for 241Am at neutron energies below fission threshold
- Hirose Kentaro, Nishio Katsuhisa, Makii Hiroyuki, Nishinaka Ichiro, Ota Shuya, Nagayama Tatsuro, Tamura Nobuyuki, Goto Shinichi, Andreyev A., Vermeulen M. J., Gillespire S., Barton C., Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Meigo Shinichiro, Chiba Satoshi, Otsuki Tsutomu;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 856, 133-138 (2017).
- Analysis of (d,xn) reactions on 9Be and 12C
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Kono Hiroshi, Watanabe Yukinobu, Iwamoto Osamu, Ogata Kazuyuki;
- RCNP Annual Report 2016 (Internet), 1-2 (2017).
- Coupled-channels method in nuclear physics and nuclear reaction study
- Fukui Tokuro;
- Genshikaku Kenkyu, 61(Suppl.1), 22-25 (2017).
- Development of a correction method for the time-of-flight prompt γ-ray analysis
- Huang M., Toh Yosuke, Ebihara Mitsuru, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji;
- Journal of Applied Physics, 121(10), 104901_1-104901_7 (2017).
- Determination of the 8B(p,γ)9C reaction rate through direct nuclear reaction theories
- Fukui Tokuro, Ogata Kazuyuki, Minomo Kosho, Yahiro Masanobu;
- JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 14, 020513_1-020513_3 (2017).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on platinum isotopes
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(2), 147-157 (2017).
- Correction of the thermal neutron capture cross section of 241Am obtained by the Westcott convention
- Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(1), 74-80 (2017).
- The Research activity on nuclear data evaluation
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Hokkaido Daigaku Genshikaku Hanno Detabesu Kenkyu Kaihatsu Senta 2016-Nendo Nenji Hokoku, i-ii (2017).
~ 2016 ~
- Calculation of cross sections for metastable state production in the (n,γ), (n,n'), (n,2n) and (n,3n) reactions of 93Nb
- Ichihara Akira;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(12), 2049-2055 (2016).
- Measurements of γ-ray emission probabilities of 241,243Am and 239Np
- Terada Kazushi, Nakamura Shoji, Nakao Taro, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Osamu, Harada Hideo, Takamiya Koichi, Hori Junichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(11), 1881-1888 (2016).
- Measurement of the isomer production ratio for the 112Cd(n,γ)113Cd reaction using neutron beams at J-PARC
- Hayakawa Takehito, Toh Yosuke, Huang M., Shizuma Toshiyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Chiba Satoshi, Kajino Toshitaka;
- Physical Review C, 94(5), 055803_1-055803_6 (2016).
- Nuclear data activities at the n_TOF facility at CERN
- Gunsing F., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 141 of others;
- European Physical Journal Plus, 131(10), 371_1-371_13 (2016).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on mercury isotopes
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(10), 1595-1607 (2016).
- A Report on the 5th ANNRI Conference
- Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Katabuchi Tatsuya;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 115, 49-60 (2016).
- Summary report on the joint session entitled by "Decommissioning of reactor and accelerator facilities and present status of activation nuclear data libraries"
- Nakamura Shoji;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 115, 18-23 (2016).
- 7Be(n,α)4He reaction and the cosmological lithium problem; Measurement of the cross section in a wide energy range at n_TOF at CERN
- Barbagallo M., Musumarra A., Cosentino L., Maugeri E., Heinitz S., Mengoni A., Dressler R., Schumann D., Käppeler F., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 124 of others;
- Physical Review Letters, 117(15), 152701_1-152701_7 (2016).
- Overview of JENDL-4.0/HE and benchmark calculations
- Kunieda Satoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Minato Futoshi, Okamoto Tsutomu, Sato Tatsuhiko, Nakashima Hiroshi, Iwamoto Yosuke, Iwamoto Hiroki, Kitatani Fumito, Fukahori Tokio, Watanabe Yukinobu, Shigyo Nobuhiro, Chiba Satoshi, Yamano Naoki, Hagiwara Masayuki, Niita Koji, Kosako Kazuaki, Hirayama Shusuke, Murata Toru;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 41-46 (2016).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on copper isotopes by a consistent method
- Nakayama Shinsuke;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 147-152 (2016).
- Microscopic nuclear structure calculation for nuclear data evaluation of various nuclei produced via nuclear transmutation of long-lived fission products
- Furutachi Naoya, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 93-98 (2016).
- Evaluation of neutron cross sections of 93Nb in the energy range between 10-5 eV and 20 MeV
- Ichihara Akira;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 141-146 (2016).
- Activation cross-section file for decommissioning of LWRs
- Shibata Keiichi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 47-52 (2016).
- Photonuclear data file
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kosako Kazuaki, Murata Toru;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 53-58 (2016).
- Development of evaluation method for improvement of nuclear data accuracy in MA isotopes
- Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 35-39 (2016).
- Theoretical model analysis of (d,xn) reactions on beryllium
- Kono Hiroshi, Watanabe Yukinobu, Nakayama Shinsuke, Iwamoto Osamu, Ye T., Ogata Kazuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 165-170 (2016).
- 3H photonuclear data evaluation and preliminary study of reduction of 3H density in waste water by photon irradiation
- Murata Toru, Kosako Kazuaki, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 153-158 (2016).
- Accurate measurements of γ-ray emission probabilities
- Terada Kazushi, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Nakao Taro, Harada Hideo, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Igashira Masayuki, Hori Junichi;
- JAEA-Conf 2016-004, 21-25 (2016).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on xenon isotopes
- Rashid M. M., Shigyo Nobuhiro, Ishibashi Kenji, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(9), 1310-1320 (2016).
- Experimental setup and procedure for the measurement of the 7Be(n, α)α reaction at n_TOF
- Cosentino L., Musumarra A., Barbagallo M., Pappalardo A., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 126 of others;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 830, 197-205 (2016).
- Chapter 5 Nuclear transmutation system, 5.4 Common base technology, 5.4.1 Nuclear data
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Bunri Henkan Gijutsu Soron, 280-284 (2016).
- Evaluation of nuclear data for application of isotopes
- Iimura Hideki;
- Isotope News, 746, 39-42 (2016).
- Activation measurements of neputunium-237 at KURRI-Linac
- Nakamura Shoji, Terada Kazushi, Shibahara Yuji, Uehara Akihiro, Fujii Toshiyuki, Sano Tadafumi, Takahashi Yoshiyuki, Hori Junichi;
- KURRI Progress Report 2015, 67-67 (2016).
- Measurements of americium isotopes by activation method at KURRI-Linac
- Nakamura Shoji, Terada Kazushi, Takahashi Yoshiyuki, Sano Tadafumi, Hori Junichi;
- KURRI Progress Report 2015, 69-69 (2016).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on tantalum isotopes
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(7), 957-967 (2016).
- Theoretical model analysis of (d,xn) reactions on 9Be and 12C at incident energies up to 50 MeV
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Kono Hiroshi, Watanabe Yukinobu, Iwamoto Osamu, Ogata Kazuyuki;
- Physical Review C, 94(1), 014618_1-014618_9 (2016).
- Modelling and analysis of nucleon emission from deuteron-induced reactions at incident energies up to 100 MeV
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Kono Hiroshi, Watanabe Yukinobu, Iwamoto Osamu, Ye T., Ogata Kazuyuki;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 122, 04004_1-04004_9 (2016).
- Calculation of beta decay half-lives and delayed neutron branching ratio of fission fragments with Skyrme-QRPA
- Minato Futoshi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 122, 10001_1-10001_13 (2016).
- R-matrix analysis for the 8Be system and features in the p+7Li reaction over resonance region
- Kunieda Satoshi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 122, 08003_1-08003_13 (2016).
- Report on the 28th Meeting of Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation
- Fukahori Tokio, Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Osamu, Yokoyama Kenji;
- Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), 114, 35-43 (2016).
- Benchmark tests of newly-evaluated data of 235U for CIELO project using integral experiments of uranium-fueled FCA assemblies
- Fukushima Masahiro, Kitamura Yasunori, Yokoyama Kenji, Iwamoto Osamu, Nagaya Yasunobu, Leal L. C.;
- Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors; Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century (PHYSOR 2016) (USB Flash Drive), 605-619 (2016).
- Importance of the neutron flux information to the evaluation of thermal neutron capture cross section and resonance integral of minor actinides
- Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors; Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century (PHYSOR 2016) (USB Flash Drive), 2437-2443 (2016).
- Activation experiments for verification of neutron capture cross section of 237Np using variable neutron field at KURRI-LINAC
- Takahashi Yoshiyuki, Hori Junichi, Sano Tadafumi, Yagi Takahiro, Yashima Hiroshi, Pyeon C. H., Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo;
- Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors; Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century (PHYSOR 2016) (USB Flash Drive), 645-652 (2016).
- Measurement of the 77Se(γ, n) cross section and uncertainty evaluation of the 79Se(n, γ) cross section
- Kitatani Fumito, Harada Hideo, Goko Shinji, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Utsunomiya Hiroaki, Akimune Hidetoshi, Toyokawa Hiroyuki, Yamada Kawakatsu, Igashira Masayuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(4), 475-485 (2016).
- Estimation of a 2p2h effect on Gamow-Teller transitions within the second Tamm-Dancoff approximation
- Minato Futoshi;
- Physical Review C, 93(4), 044319_1-044319_11 (2016).
- Evaluation of neutron capture cross sections and covariances on 99Tc and 129I in the keV energy region
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 111, 03002_1-03002_5 (2016).
- Revision of the JENDL FP fission yield data
- Katakura Junichi, Minato Futoshi, Ogama Kazuya;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 111, 08004_1-08004_5 (2016).
- Development of Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis at J-PARC / ANNRI
- Toh Yosuke, Ebihara Mitsuru, Huang M., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo;
- Hosha Kagaku, 33, 1-9 (2016).
- R&D of the heat measurement method for accurate determination of amount of minor actinides samples for accuracy improvement of neutron nuclear data
- Nakao Taro, Nakamura Shoji, Terada Kazushi, Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Hori Junichi;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 303-306 (2016).
- Evaluation of γ-ray strength function based on measured neutron capture γ-ray spectra
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 119-124 (2016).
- Search for neutron resonances of 106Pd
- Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Toh Yosuke, Harada Hideo, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Igashira Masayuki, Hori Junichi, Kino Koichi;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 113-118 (2016).
- Compilation for chart of the nuclides 2014; A Comprehensive decay data
- Koura Hiroyuki, Katakura Junichi, Tachibana Takahiro, Minato Futoshi;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 147-152 (2016).
- Nuclear data evaluation of the 7Li(p,xn) reaction for incident energies up to 200 MeV
- Matsumoto Yuiki, Watanabe Yukinobu, Kunieda Satoshi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 191-196 (2016).
- Toward advancement of nuclear data research in the resonance region
- Kunieda Satoshi, Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio, Kawano Toshihiko, Paris M., Hale G.;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 33-38 (2016).
- Verification of the Cd-ratio method in 241Am using JENDL-4.0
- Mizuyama Kazuhito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 245-250 (2016).
- 243Am neutron-induced capture cross section measurement with a large coverage HPGe detector at ANNRI/J-PARC
- Leong L., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu, Harada Hideo;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 1-235 (2016).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on krypton isotopes
- Rashid M. M., Shigyo Nobuhiro, Ishibashi Kenji, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 319-324 (2016).
- Evaluation of delayed neutron data of the photo-fission
- Murata Toru, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kosako Kazuaki;
- JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 237-242 (2016).
- Probing surface distributions of α clusters in 20Ne via α-transfer reaction
- Fukui Tokuro, Taniguchi Yasutaka, Suhara Tadahiro, Enyo Yoshiko, Ogata Kazuyuki;
- Physical Review C, 93(3), 034606_1-034606_9 (2016).
- A Comprehensive approach to determination of nuclear data of unstable nuclei
- Chiba Satoshi, Nishio Katsuhisa, Aritomo Yoshihiro, Koura Hiroyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Makii Hiroyuki, Nishinaka Ichiro, Hirose Kentaro;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 106, 04004_1-04004_9 (2016).
- The CCONE code system and its application to nuclear data evaluation for fission and other reactions
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Shibata Keiichi;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 131, 259-288 (2016).
~ 2015 ~
- Misassigned neutron resonances of 142Nd and stellar neutron capture cross sections
- Katabuchi Tatsuya, Matsuhashi Taihei, Terada Kazushi, Igashira Masayuki, Mizumoto Motoharu, Hirose Kentaro, Kimura Atsushi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Hori Junichi, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kitatani Fumito, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke;
- Physical Review C, 91(3), 037603_1-037603_5 (2015).
- An Analysis of β-delayed neutron emission of even-even neutron-rich nuclei with proton-neutron QRPA
- Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Progress in Nuclear Energy, 82, 112-117 (2015).
- Current activities and future plans for nuclear data measurements at J-PARC
- Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu, Toh Yosuke, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Hori Junichi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki;
- European Physical Journal A, 51(12), 180_1-180_8 (2015).
- The New vertical neutron beam line at the CERN n_TOF facility design and outlook on the performance
- Weiß C., Chiaveri E., Girod S., Vlachoudis V., Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, n_TOF Collaboration, 126 of others;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 799, 90-98 (2015).
- A Report on the 4th ANNRI Conference
- Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Katabuchi Tatsuya;
- Nuclear Data News (Internet), 112, 7-19 (2015).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on iodine isotopes
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(9), 1174-1185 (2015).
- Development of elemental analytical methods in BL04 ANNRI
- Toh Yosuke, Huang M., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo, Ebihara Mitsuru;
- Shiki, 28, 4-4 (2015).
- Development of new non-destructive analysis by using an intense pulsed neutron beam
- Toh Yosuke, Ebihara Mitsuru, Huang M., Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo;
- Isotope News, 736, 22-26 (2015).
- Ablation plume structure and dynamics in ambient gas observed by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
- Miyabe Masabumi, Oba Masaki, Iimura Hideki, Akaoka Katsuaki, Khumaeni A., Kato Masaaki, Wakaida Ikuo;
- Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, 110, 101-117 (2015).
- Charge radii in macroscopic-microscopic mass models
- Iimura Hideki, Moller P., Ichikawa Takatoshi, Sagawa Hiroyuki, Iwamoto Akira;
- JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 6, 030102_1-030102_4 (2015).
- Generalized analysis method for neutron resonance transmission analysis
- Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Becker B., Kopecky S., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(6), 837-843 (2015).
- Report on the 27th Meeting of Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation
- Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Osamu, Yokoyama Kenji;
- Nuclear Data News (Internet), 111, 51-62 (2015).
- Capture cross-section measurement at J-PARC; 61Ni case
- Leong L., Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Nakamura Shoji, Iwamoto Osamu;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 93, 06005_1-06005_2 (2015).
- Neutron capture cross section and capture γ-ray spectra of 138Ba in the keV-neutron energy region
- Katabuchi Tatsuya, Yanagida Shotaro, Terada Kazushi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Igashira Masayuki;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 93, 02008_1-02008_2 (2015).
- Accuracy improvement of neutron nuclear data on minor actinides
- Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kimura Atsushi, Terada Kazushi, Nakao Taro, Nakamura Shoji, Mizuyama Kazuhito, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Sano Tadafumi, Takahashi Yoshiyuki, Takamiya Koichi, Pyeon C. H., Fukutani Satoshi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Hori Junichi, Yagi Takahiro, Yashima Hiroshi;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 93, 06001_1-06001_5 (2015).
- PHITS simulation of quasi-monoenergetic neutron sources from 7Li(p,n) reactions
- Hashimoto Shintaro, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Yosuke, Sato Tatsuhiko, Niita Koji;
- Energy Procedia, 71, 191-196 (2015).
- Development of a calculation code system for evaluation of deuteron nuclear data
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Araki Shohei, Watanabe Yukinobu, Iwamoto Osamu, Ye T., Ogata Kazuyuki;
- Energy Procedia, 71, 219-227 (2015).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on tellurium isotopes
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(4), 490-502 (2015).
- Accurate neutron-nucleus reaction measurement instrument ANNRI
- Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji;
- Hamon, 25(1), 67-75 (2015).
- Evaluation of neutron induced reaction cross sections on Rh isotopes
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2014-002, 110-116 (2015).
- Development of NRD, 3; Study of a new moderator for compact 14-MeV pulsed neutron sources
- Takamine Jun, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kureta Masatoshi, Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Seya Michio, Iimura Hideki;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-35-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-10 (2015).
- Development of NRD, 2; Investigation on systematic effects due to sample thickness for areal density derived from NRTA
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Kimura Atsushi, Becker B., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Moens A., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-35-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-9 (2015).
- Development of NRD, 1; Developments of a LaBr3 scintillation detector system for neutron resonance densitometry
- Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Kitatani Fumito, Harada Hideo, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Seya Michio, Kimura Atsushi, Iimura Hideki, Becker B., Kopecky S., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-35-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-8 (2015).
- Covariance of neutron cross sections for 16O through R-matrix analysis
- Kunieda Satoshi, Kawano Toshihiko, Paris M., Hale G. M., Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 123, 159-164 (2015).
- Recent progress in research and development in neutron resonance densitometry (NRD) for quantification of nuclear materials in particle-like debris
- Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Seya Michio, Becker B., Kopecky S., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Nuclear Back-end and Transmutation Technology for Waste Disposal, 13-20 (2015).
~ 2014 ~
- Synergistic effect of combining two nondestructive analytical methods for multielemental analysis
- Toh Yosuke, Ebihara Mitsuru, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo, Hara Kaoru, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Furutaka Kazuyoshi;
- Analytical Chemistry, 86(24), 12030-12036 (2014).
- Impact of systematic effects on results of neutron resonance transmission analysis
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Kimura Atsushi, Becker B., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 767, 364-371 (2014).
- Status of new JENDL photonuclear data file
- Kosako Kazuaki, Murata Toru, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Nuclear Physics and γ-ray sources for Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation, 261-268 (2014).
- First measurement of the radionuclide purity of the therapeutic isotope 67Cu produced by 68Z(n,x) reaction using natC(d,n) neutrons
- Sato Nozomi, Tsukada Kazuaki, Watanabe Satoshi, Ishioka Noriko, Kawabata Masako, Saeki Hideya, Nagai Yasuki, Kin Tadahiro, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83(7), 073201_1-073201_4 (2014).
- Estimation of neutron cross-sections for 16O up to 5.2 MeV through R-matrix analysis
- Kunieda Satoshi, Kawano Toshihiko, Paris M., Hale G. M., Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio;
- NEA/NSC/DOC(2014)13 (Internet), 33-39 (2014).
- Thickness and mixed sample effects on areal density measurement with NRTA for particle like debris of melted fuel
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Kimura Atsushi, Becker B., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Moens A., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Proceedings of INMM 55th Annual Meeting (Internet), 1-6 (2014).
- Developments of a LaBr3 scintillation detector system for neutron resonance densitometry (NRD)
- Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Kitatani Fumito, Harada Hideo, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Seya Michio, Kimura Atsushi, Iimura Hideki, Becker B., Kopecky S., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Proceedings of INMM 55th Annual Meeting (Internet), 1-7 (2014).
- Development of neutron resonance densitometry
- Harada Hideo, Schillebeeckx P., Tsuchiya Harufumi, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Kimura Atsushi, Seya Michio, Becker B., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Moens A., Mondelaers W.;
- Proceedings of INMM 55th Annual Meeting (Internet), 1-8 (2014).
- Review of nuclear data of major actinides and 56Fe in JENDL-4.0
- Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Measurements, Evaluations and Applications (NEMEA-7), 75-83 (2014).
- Distribution of supernova properties in the early universe
- Tominaga Nozomu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Nomoto Kenichi;
- AIP Conference Proceedings 1594, 52-57 (2014).
- New approach for nuclear reaction model in the combination of inter-nuclear cascade and DWBA
- Hashimoto Shintaro, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Yosuke, Sato Tatsuhiko, Niita Koji;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 258-261 (2014).
- Measurements of neutron capture cross sections of 112Sn and 118Sn with J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Kimura Atsushi, Hirose Kentaro, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo, Hara Kaoru, Hori Junichi, Igashira Masayuki, Kamiyama Takashi, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Kino Koichi, Kitatani Fumito, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Koizumi Mitsuo, Mizumoto Motoharu, Toh Yosuke;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 150-153 (2014).
- Cross section measurements of the radioactive 107Pd and stable 105,108Pd nuclei at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Kitatani Fumito, Ota Masayuki, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Hirose Kentaro, Kin Tadahiro, Koizumi Mitsuo, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Kino Koichi, Hiraga Fujio, Kamiyama Takashi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Igashira Masayuki, Hori Junichi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Takamiya Koichi;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 143-146 (2014).
- Capture cross-section measurement of 241Am(n,γ) at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Harada Hideo, Ota Masayuki, Kimura Atsushi, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Hirose Kentaro, Hara Kaoru, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Hori Junichi, Takamiya Koichi;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 61-64 (2014).
- Measurements of capture γ rays from the neutron resonances of 74Se and 77Se at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Hori Junichi, Yashima Hiroshi, Nakamura Shoji, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Hirose Kentaro, Kimura Atsushi, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 128-131 (2014).
- Performance of a total absorption clover detector for Qβ measurements of neutron-rich nuclei far from the β-stability line
- Hayashi Hiroaki, Shibata Michihiro, Asai Masato, Osa Akihiko, Sato Tetsuya, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kimura Atsushi, Oshima Masumi;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 747, 41-51 (2014).
- Abundance profiling of extremely metal-poor stars and supernova properties in the early universe
- Tominaga Nozomu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Nomoto Kenichi;
- Astrophysical Journal, 785(2), 98_1-98_23 (2014).
- Neutron resonance densitometry for particle-like debris of melted fuel
- Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Iimura Hideki, Seya Michio, Becker B., Kopecky S., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 502-504 (2014).
- R-matrix analysis for n + 16O cross-sections up to En = 6.0 MeV with covariances
- Kunieda Satoshi, Kawano Toshihiko, Paris M., Hale G. M., Shibata Keiichi, Fukahori Tokio;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 250-253 (2014).
- Theoretical analysis of γ-ray strength function for Pd isotopes
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Terada Kazushi;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 246-249 (2014).
- Progress in developing nuclear reaction calculation code CCONE for high energy nuclear data evaluation
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 204-207 (2014).
- The CIELO Collaboration; Neutron reactions on 1H, 16O, 56Fe, 235,238U, and 239Pu
- Chadwick M. B., Dupont E., Bauge E., Blokhin A., Bouland O., Brown D. A., Capote R., Carlson A. D., Danon Y., De Saint Jean C., Dunn M. E., Fischer U., Forrest R. A., Frankle S. C., Fukahori Tokio, Ge Z., Grimes S. M., Hale G. M., Herman M., Ignatyuk A. V., Ishikawa Makoto, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Iwamoto Osamu, Jandel M., Jacqmin R., Kawano Toshihiko, Kunieda Satoshi, Kakler A., Kiedrowski B., Kodeli I., Koning A. J., Leal L., Lee Y. O., Lestone J. P., Lubitz C., MacInnes M., McNabb D., McKnight R., Moxon M., Mughabghab S. F., Noguere G., Palmiotti G., Plompen A., Pritychenko B., Pronyaev V. G., Rochman D., Romain P., Roubtsov D., Schillebeeckx P., Salvatores M., Simakov S., Soukhovitskii E. Sh., Sublet J. C., Talou P., Thompson I. J., Trkov A., Vogt R. L., Van der Marck S. C.;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 1-25 (2014).
- Cross section calculations of deuteron-induced reactions using the extended CCONE code
- Nakayama Shinsuke, Araki Shohei, Watanabe Yukinobu, Iwamoto Osamu, Ye T., Ogata Kazuyuki;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 305-307 (2014).
- Overview of the PHITS code and its application to medical physics
- Sato Tatsuhiko, Niita Koji, Matsuda Norihiro, Hashimoto Shintaro, Iwamoto Yosuke, Noda Shusaku, Iwase Hiroshi, Nakashima Hiroshi, Fukahori Tokio, Chiba Satoshi, Sihver L.;
- Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 4, 879-882 (2014).
- Meeting nuclear data needs for advanced reactor systems
- Harada Hideo, Shibata Keiichi, Nishio Katsuhisa, Igashira Masayuki, Plompen A., Hambsch F.-J., Schillebeeckx P., Gunsing F., Ledoux X., Palmiotti G., Haight R., Ullmann J., Tovesson F., Nelson R., Herman M., Pronyaev V., Cano-Ott D., Junghans A., Calviani, M M., Schmidt K.-H., Otsuka Naohiko, Dupont E., Hoblit S., Mendoza E.;
- NEA/NSC/WPEC/DOC(2014)446, 1-111 (2014).
- Energy resolution of pulsed neutron beam provided by the ANNRI beamline at the J-PARC/MLF
- Kino Koichi, Furusaka Michihiro, Hiraga Fujio, Kamiyama Takashi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Harada Masahide, Hirose Kentaro, Kai Tetsuya, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Maekawa Fujio, Meigo Shinichiro, Nakamura Shoji, Oi Motoki, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Hori Junichi;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 736, 66-74 (2014).
- Statistical uncertainties of nondestructive assay for spent nuclear fuel by using nuclear resonance fluorescence
- Shizuma Toshiyuki, Hayakawa Takehito, Angell C., Hajima Ryoichi, Minato Futoshi, Suyama Kenya, Seya Michio, Johnson M., McNabb D.;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 737, 170-175 (2014).
- Evaluation of neutron economical effect of new cladding materials in light water reactors
- Oizumi Akito, Akie Hiroshi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kugo Teruhiko;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(1), 77-90 (2014).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on antimony isotopes
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(4), 425-436 (2014).
~ 2013 ~
- Supernova neutrino nucleosynthesis of the radioactive 92Nb observed in primitive meteorites
- Hayakawa Takehito, Nakamura Ko, Kajino Toshitaka, Chiba Satoshi, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Cheoun M. K., Mathews G. J.;
- Astrophysical Journal Letters, 779(1), L9_1-L9_5 (2013).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on ruthenium isotopes
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 50(12), 1177-1187 (2013).
- Dynamic nuclear self-polarization for measurements of nuclear magnetic moments
- Koizumi Mitsuo, Goto Jun, Matsuki Seishi, Nakamura Shoji;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 317(Part B), 689-692 (2013).
- Sum rule approach to a soft dipole mode in Λ hypernuclei
- Minato Futoshi, Hagino Koichi;
- Physical Review C, 88(6), 064303_1-064303_6 (2013).
- Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction measurement Instrument (ANNRI) at J-PARC/BL04
- Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Toh Yosuke, Nakamura Shoji;
- Shiki, 21, 3-3 (2013).
- A Monte Carlo simulation to study a design of a γ-ray detector for neutron resonance densitometry
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 729, 338-345 (2013).
- Cross section measurement of 117Sn(n,γ) using ANNRI-NaI(Tl) spectrometer at J-PARC
- Hirose Kentaro, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Matsuhashi Taihei, Mizumoto Motoharu, Terada Kazushi, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Hori Junichi;
- JAEA-Conf 2013-002, 173-178 (2013).
- GEANT4 simulation study of a γ-ray detector for neutron resonance densitometry
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki;
- JAEA-Conf 2013-002, 119-124 (2013).
- Measurements and simulations of the responses of the cluster Ge detectors to γ rays
- Hara Kaoru, Goko Shinji, Harada Hideo, Hirose Kentaro, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke;
- JAEA-Conf 2013-002, 161-166 (2013).
- Evaluation of neutron induced reaction cross sections on Re isotopes
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2013-002, 143-148 (2013).
- Evaluation of covariance data of JENDL
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- JAEA-Conf 2013-002, 41-46 (2013).
- Investigation on sample thickness effect on nuclear material quantification with NRTA for particle-like debris of melted fuel
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Becker B., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Moens A., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-34-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-8 (2013).
- Recent progress in research and development on the neutron resonance densitometry for particle-like debris of melted fuel
- Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Seya Michio, Becker B., Kopecky S., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-34-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-6 (2013).
- Development of basic NDA technologies of nuclear material accountancy of debris of melted fuel formed in severe accidents
- Seya Michio, Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Iimura Hideki, Kureta Masatoshi, Takamine Jun, Hajima Ryoichi, Hayakawa Takehito, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Angell C., Bolind A.;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-34-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-10 (2013).
- A Report on the 2nd ANNRI Conference
- Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Katabuchi Tatsuya;
- Nuclear Data News (Internet), 106, 39-49 (2013).
- γ-ray strength function method; A Way from photoneutron emission to radiative neutron capture
- Utsunomiya Hiroaki, Akimune Hidetoshi, Yamagata Tamio, Iwamoto Chihiro, Goriely S., Daoutidis I., Toyokawa Hiroyuki, Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Lui Y. W., Arteaga D. P., Hilaire S., Koning A. J.;
- Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Capture γ-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, 505-514 (2013).
- Statistical precision of ERL-based NDA for spent fuel
- Shizuma Toshiyuki, Hayakawa Takehito, Angell C., Hajima Ryoichi, Minato Futoshi, Suyama Kenya, Seya Michio;
- JAEA-Conf 2013-001, 139-141 (2013).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data of Praseodymium-141 and -143
- Minato Futoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 50(9), 873-882 (2013).
- Collective excitations of Λ hypernuclei
- Hagino Koichi, Yao J. M., Minato Futoshi, Li Z. P., Thi Win M.;
- Nuclear Physics A, 914, 151-159 (2013).
- Absorption spectroscopy of uranium plasma for remote isotope analysis of next-generation nuclear fuel
- Miyabe Masabumi, Oba Masaki, Iimura Hideki, Akaoka Katsuaki, Maruyama Yoichiro, Oba Hironori, Tampo Motonobu, Wakaida Ikuo;
- Applied Physics A, 112(1), 87-92 (2013).
- Sample thickness effect on nuclear material quantification with NRTA for particle like debris of melted fuel
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Becker B., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Moens A., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Proceedings of INMM 54th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 1-6 (2013).
- Recent progress in research and development on the neutron resonance densitometry for particle-like debris of melted fuel
- Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Seya Michio, Becker B., Kopecky S., Mondelaers W., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Proceedings of INMM 54th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 1-10 (2013).
- Contribution of the JRC to the development of neutron resonance densitometry to characterize melted fuel from severe accidents
- Schillebeeckx P., Becker B., Emiliani F., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Moens A., Mondelaers W., Sibbens G., Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Takamine Jun, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Abousahl S., Moxon M.;
- Proceedings of INMM 54th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 1-7 (2013).
- Development of basic NDA technologies for nuclear material accountancy of debris of melted fuel formed in severe accidents
- Seya Michio, Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Iimura Hideki, Kureta Masatoshi, Takamine Jun, Hajima Ryoichi, Hayakawa Takehito, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Angell C., Bolind A.;
- Proceedings of INMM 54th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 1-9 (2013).
- Contribution of the JRC to the development of neutron resonance densitometry to characterize melted fuel from severe accidents
- Schillebeeckx P., Becker B., Emiliani F., Kopecky S., Kauwenberghs K., Moens A., Mondelaers W., Sibbens G., Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Takamine Jun, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Abousahl S., Moxon M.;
- Proceedings of INMM 54th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 1-7 (2013).
- Generation of radioisotopes with accelerator neutrons by deuterons
- Nagai Yasuki, Hashimoto Kazuyuki, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Saeki Hideya, Motoishi Shoji, Sonoda Nozomi, Kawabata Masako, Harada Hideo, Kin Tadahiro, Tsukada Kazuaki, Sato Tetsuya, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Seki Yohji, Yokoyama Kenji, Shiina Takayuki, Ota Akio, Takeuchi Nobuhiro, Kawauchi Yukimasa, Sato Norihito, Yamabayashi Hisamichi, Adachi Yoshitsugu, Kikuchi Yuji, Mitsumoto Toshinori, Igarashi Takashi;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 82(6), 064201_1-064201_7 (2013).
- JENDL; Nuclear databases for science and technology
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 50(5), 449-469 (2013).
- Application of LaBr3 detector for neutron resonance densitometry
- Tsuchiya Harufumi, Harada Hideo, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Becker B., Kopecky S., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Proceedings of 35th ESARDA Annual Meeting (Internet), 1-7 (2013).
- Proposal of neutron resonance densitometry for particle like debris of melted fuel using NRTA and NRCA
- Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Iimura Hideki, Seya Michio, Becker B., Kopecky S., Schillebeeckx P.;
- Proceedings of 35th ESARDA Annual Meeting (Internet), 1-6 (2013).
- Laser ablation absorption spectroscopy for remote analysis of uranium
- Miyabe Masabumi, Oba Masaki, Iimura Hideki, Akaoka Katsuaki, Maruyama Yoichiro, Oba Hironori, Tampo Motonobu, Wakaida Ikuo;
- Hyperfine Interactions, 216(1-3), 71-77 (2013).
- Improvement of precision of NRF-based NDA using monochromatic γ-ray beam for nuclear materials in debris of melted fuel
- Shizuma Toshiyuki, Hajima Ryoichi, Hayakawa Takehito, Angell C., Minato Futoshi, Suyama Kenya, Seya Michio;
- Proceedings of 35th ESARDA Annual Meeting (Internet), 1-6 (2013).
- Extension of a nuclear reaction calculation code CCONE toward higher incident energies; Multiple preequilibrium emission, and spectrum in laboratory system
- Iwamoto Osamu;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 50(4), 409-418 (2013).
- Summary of OECD/NEA/NSC expert group on integral experiments for minor actinide management
- Okajima Shigeaki, Fougeras P., Gil C.-S., Glinatsis G., Gulliford J., Iwamoto Osamu, Jacqmin R., Khomyakov Y., Kochetkov A., Kormilitsyn M. V., McKnight R., Nemoto Yoshiyuki, Palmiotti G., Perret G., Romanello V., Sweet D., Tsujimoto Kazufumi, Vittiglio G., Yamaji Akifumi;
- NEA/NSC/DOC(2013)3, 265-278 (2013).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data for gallium
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 50(3), 277-286 (2013).
- New production routes for medical isotopes 64Cu and 67Cu using accelerator neutrons
- Kin Tadahiro, Nagai Yasuki, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Minato Futoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Segawa Mariko, Harada Hideo, Konno Chikara, Ochiai Kentaro, Takakura Kosuke;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 82(3), 034201_1-034201_8 (2013).
- Impact of tensor force on β-decay of magic and semimagic nuclei
- Minato Futoshi, Bai C.;
- Physical Review Letters, 110(12), 122501_1-122501_5 (2013).
- Cross-section measurement of 237Np(n,γ) from 10 meV to 1 keV at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex
- Hirose Kentaro, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Hori Junichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 50(2), 188-200 (2013).
- Development of a resonant laser ionization gas cell for high-energy, short-lived nuclei
- Sonoda Tetsu, Wada Michiharu, Tomita Hideo, Sakamoto Chika, Takatsuka Takaaki, Furukawa Takeshi, Iimura Hideki, Ito Yuta, Kubo Toshiyuki, Matsuo Yukari, Mita Hiroki, Naimai S., Nakamura Sosuke, Noto Takuma, Schury P., Shinozuka Tsutomu, Wakui Takashi, Miyatake Hiroari, Jeong S. C., Ishiyama Hironobu, Watanabe Yutaka, Hirayama Yoshikazu, Okada Kunihiro, Takamine Aiko;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 295, 1-10 (2013).
~ 2012 ~
- Doppler-shifted optical absorption characterization of plume-lateral expansion in laser ablation of a cerium target
- Miyabe Masabumi, Oba Masaki, Iimura Hideki, Akaoka Katsuaki, Maruyama Yoichiro, Oba Hironori, Tampo Motonobu, Wakaida Ikuo;
- Journal of Applied Physics, 112(12), 123303_1-123303_10 (2012).
- Proposal of neutron resonance densitometry for particle like debris of melted fuel using NRTA and NRCA
- Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Harada Hideo, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Seya Michio, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Iimura Hideki;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-33-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-8 (2012).
- Feasibility studies and development of NDA technologies for nuclear materials in the melted fuels formed in severe accidents
- Seya Michio, Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Iimura Hideki, Kureta Masatoshi, Takamine Jun, Hajima Ryoichi, Hayakawa Takehito, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Angell C., Bolind A.;
- Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nippon Shibu Dai-33-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 1-10 (2012).
- Superdeformed band in asymmetric N > Z nucleus, 40Ar and high-spin states in A = 30 ∼ 40 nuclei
- Ideguchi Eiji, Ota Shinsuke, Morikawa Tsuneyasu, Oshima Masumi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Nakamura Shoji, Kitatani Fumito, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Sugawara Masahiko, Watanabe Yutaka, Hirayama Yoshikazu, Oi Makito;
- Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 196, 427-432 (2012).
- Spectroscopic study of 63Ni via cold neutron capture reaction, 1; Nuclear structure of 63Ni
- Oshima Masumi, Kin Tadahiro, Nakamura Shoji, Homma Michio, Minato Futoshi, Hayakawa Takehito, Hara Kaoru, Kimura Atsushi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Harada Hideo, Goto Jun, Murakami Yukihiro;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81(8), 084201_1-084201_15 (2012).
- Radioactive tracer 132Cs (TRACs) for Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident
- Nagai Yasuki, Makii Hiroyuki, Namiki Shinji, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Sawahata Hiroyuki;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81(8), 085003_1-085003_2 (2012).
- Neutron capture cross section of palladium-107 in the thermal-neutron energy region
- Nakamura Shoji, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Kitatani Fumito, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Koizumi Mitsuo, Goko Shinji, Toh Yosuke, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Hirose Kentaro, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Hori Junichi, Takamiya Koichi, Fukutani Satoshi, Fujii Toshiyuki;
- JAEA-Conf 2012-001, 147-152 (2012).
- Neutron-capture cross-sections of 244Cm and 246Cm measured with an array of large germanium detectors in the ANNRI at J-PARC/MLF
- Kimura Atsushi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Hara Kaoru, Harada Hideo, Hirose Kentaro, Hori Junichi, Igashira Masayuki, Kamiyama Takashi, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Kin Tadahiro, Kino Koichi, Kitatani Fumito, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Koizumi Mitsuo, Mizumoto Motoharu, Nakamura Shoji, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Takamiya Koichi, Toh Yosuke;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 49(7-8), 708-724 (2012).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data for erbium
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 49(7-8), 824-835 (2012).
- Proposal of neutron resonance densitometry for particle like debris of melted fuel using NRTA and NRCA
- Koizumi Mitsuo, Kitatani Fumito, Harada Hideo, Takamine Jun, Kureta Masatoshi, Seya Michio, Tsuchiya Harufumi, Iimura Hideki;
- Proceedings of INMM 53rd Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 1-8 (2012).
- Feasibility study for the quantification of total protein content by multiple prompt γ-ray analysis
- Toh Yosuke, Murakami Yukihiro, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Kimura Atsushi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Hara Kaoru, Kin Tadahiro, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo;
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70(6), 984-987 (2012).
- Measurement and model analysis of (n,xα) cross sections for Cr, Fe, 59Co, and 58,60Ni from threshold energy to 150 MeV
- Kunieda Satoshi, Haight R. C., Kawano Toshihiko, Chadwick M. B., Sterbenz S. M., Bateman F. B., Wasson O. A., Grimes S. M., Maier-Komor. P., Vonach H., Fukahori Tokio, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- Physical Review C, 85(5), 054602_1-054602_10 (2012).
- Clustering pre-equilibrium model analysis for nucleon-induced alpha-particle spectra up to 200 MeV
- Kunieda Satoshi, Kawano Toshihiko, Chadwick M. B., Fukahori Tokio, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- EPJ Web of Conferences (Internet), 21, 09003_1-09003_8 (2012).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data for technetium-99
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 49(2), 244-252 (2012).
- Chemical composition of sediments from marine shallow-water hydrothermal mounds in Wakamiko submarine crater revealed by multiple prompt γ-ray analysis
- Shozugawa Katsumi, Matsuo Motoyuki, Sano Yuji, Toh Yosuke, Murakami Yukihiro, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Kimura Atsushi, Hara Kaoru, Kin Tadahiro, Oshima Masumi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(2), 341-346 (2012).
- Application of multiple prompt γ-ray analysis (MPGA) to geochemical and cosmochemical samples
- Oura Yasuji, Watanabe Ryo, Ebihara Mitsuru, Murakami Yukihiro, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Oshima Masumi, Hara Kaoru, Kin Tadahiro, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Hideo;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(2), 335-339 (2012).
- Measurements of Ir concentration in geological standard samples using neutron activation analysis with multiple γ-ray coincidence method
- Hatsukawa Yuichi, Osawa Takahito, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Furutaka Kazuyoshi;
- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(1), 143-145 (2012).
- Application of random-phase approximation to vibrational excitations of double-Λ hypernuclei
- Minato Futoshi, Hagino Koichi;
- Physical Review C, 85(2), 024316_1-024316_10 (2012).
~ 2011 ~
- ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear data for science and technology; Cross sections, covariances, fission product yields and decay data
- Chadwick M. B., Herman M., Obloznsky P., Dunn M. E., Danon Y., Kahler A. C., Smith D. L., Pritychenko B., Arbanas G., Arcilla R., Brewer R., Brown D. A., Capote R., Carlson A. D., Cho Y. S., Derrien H., Guber K., Hale G. M., Hoblit S., Holloway S., Johnson T. D., Kawano Toshihiko, Kiedrowski B. C., Kim H., Kunieda Satoshi, Larson N. M., Leal L., Lestone J. P., Little R. C., McCutchan E. A., MacFarlane R. E., MacInnes M., Mattoon C. M., McKnight R. D., Mughabghab S. F., Nobre G. P. A., Palmiotti G., Palumbo A., Pigni M. T., Pronyaev V. G., Sayer R. O., Sonzogni A. A., Summers N. C., Talou P., Thompson I. J., Trkov A., Vogt R. L., Van der Marck S. C., Wallner A., White M. C., Wiarda D., Young P. G.;
- Nuclear Data Sheets, 112(12), 2887-2996 (2011).
- Spin-dependent observables in surrogate reactions
- Chiba Satoshi, Iwamoto Osamu, Aritomo Yoshihiro;
- Physical Review C, 84(5), 054602_1-054602_5 (2011).
- Personal perspective of strategy on nuclear data activities at JAEA
- Fukahori Tokio;
- JAEA-Conf 2011-002, 5-10 (2011).
- Measurements of neutron capture cross sections at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI, 2
- Hori Junichi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Furusaka Michihiro, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Harada Hideo, Hiraga Fujio, Igashira Masayuki, Kamiyama Takashi, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kino Koichi, Kitatani Fumito, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Koizumi Mitsuo, Mizumoto Motoharu, Nakamura Shoji, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Takamiya Koichi, Toh Yosuke;
- JAEA-Conf 2011-002, 29-34 (2011).
- Neutron nuclear data evaluation of cesium isotopes for JENDL-4.0
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(9), 1238-1249 (2011).
- Isotope production for medical usage using fast neutron reactions
- Hatsukawa Yuichi, Nagai Yasuki, Kin Tadahiro, Segawa Mariko, Harada Hideo, Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Ochiai Kentaro, Takakura Kosuke, Konno Chikara, Hashimoto Masashi;
- Proceedings in Radiochemistry, 1(1), 327-329 (2011).
- Accurate neutron-nucleus reaction measurement instrument in J-PARC
- Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Oshima Masumi;
- Radiation Chemistry News, 24, 1-7 (2011).
- JENDL-4.0; A New library for innovative nuclear energy systems
- Shibata Keiichi, Iwamoto Osamu, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Ichihara Akira, Kunieda Satoshi, Chiba Satoshi, Katakura Junichi, Otsuka Naohiko;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1046-1051 (2011).
- Updated nuclear data of lanthanoids in fission products for JENDL-4.0
- Iwamoto Nobuyuki;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 963-966 (2011).
- Covariance evaluation for actinide nuclear data in JENDL-4
- Iwamoto Osamu, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Chiba Satoshi, Otsuka Naohiko;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1224-1229 (2011).
- Applicability of pre-equilibrium coalescence model to evaluation of alpha-particle production cross sections
- Kunieda Satoshi, Fukahori Tokio, Hirayama Shusuke, Watanabe Yukinobu;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 911-914 (2011).
- A "4π Ge spectrometer" for measurements of neutron capture cross sections by the time-of-flight method at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Kin Tadahiro, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Kitatani Fumito, Nakamura Shoji, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Hori Junichi, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Koizumi Mitsuo, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1769-1772 (2011).
- Measurement of neutron-capture cross sections of palladium isotopes at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Nakamura Shoji, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Hori Junichi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Takamiya Koichi, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1773-1776 (2011).
- Study of neutron capture reactions using the 4π Ge spectrometer
- Harada Hideo, Goko Shinji, Kimura Atsushi, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Kitatani Fumito, Toh Yosuke, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Kin Tadahiro, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Osaki Toshiro, Hori Junichi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Takamiya Koichi, Goto Jun, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Kino Koichi, Furusaka Michihiro, Hiraga Fujio, Kamiyama Takashi;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1547-1552 (2011).
- Measurements of neutron-capture cross sections of 244Cm and 246Cm at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Kimura Atsushi, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Harada Hideo, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Hori Junichi, Takamiya Koichi, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1828-1831 (2011).
- Prompt γ rays emitted from the neutron capture reaction of 74Ge
- Hara Kaoru, Kin Tadahiro, Oshima Masumi, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Toh Yosuke;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1832-1835 (2011).
- Measurement of neutron capture γ rays from the resonances of 91Zr and 96Zr at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI
- Hori Junichi, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Harada Hideo, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kamiyama Takashi, Kino Koichi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1777-1780 (2011).
- The "Study on nuclear data by using a high intensity pulsed neutron source for advanced nuclear system" nuclear data project and the characteristics of the neutron beam line for the capture cross section experiments at J-PARC
- Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Kino Koichi, Furusaka Michihiro, Hiraga Fujio, Kamiyama Takashi, Kato Kiyoshi, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Oshima Masumi, Harada Hideo, Katakura Junichi, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Ota Masayuki, Toh Yosuke, Otsuki Tsutomu, Hirose Kentaro, Fujii Toshiyuki, Hori Junichi, Takamiya Koichi, Fukutani Satoshi, Shibata Michihiro, Yamada Kawakatsu, Utsunomiya Hiroaki;
- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), 1781-1784 (2011).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on bromine and krypton isotopes for JENDL-4.0
- Shibata Keiichi, Ichihara Akira, Kunieda Satoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(3), 429-439 (2011).
- Production of the p-process nuclei in the carbon-deflagration model for type Ia supernovae
- Kusakabe Motohiko, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Nomoto Kenichi;
- Astrophysical Journal, 726(1), 25_1-25_11 (2011).
- JENDL-4.0; A New library for nuclear science and engineering
- Shibata Keiichi, Iwamoto Osamu, Nakagawa Tsuneo, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Ichihara Akira, Kunieda Satoshi, Chiba Satoshi, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Otsuka Naohiko, Osawa Takaaki, Murata Toru, Matsunobu Hiroyuki, Zukeran Atsushi, Kamada So, Katakura Junichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(1), 1-30 (2011).
- Measurement of energy spectra and spatial distributions of neutron beams provided by the ANNRI beamline for capture cross-section measurements at the J-PARC/MLF
- Kino Koichi, Furusaka Michihiro, Hiraga Fujio, Kamiyama Takashi, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Goko Shinji, Harada Hideo, Harada Masahide, Kai Tetsuya, Kimura Atsushi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Maekawa Fujio, Meigo Shinichiro, Nakamura Shoji, Oi Motoki, Ota Masayuki, Oshima Masumi, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 626-627, 58-66 (2011).
- Nuclear level densities with microscopic statistical method using a consistent residual interaction
- Minato Futoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(7), 984-992 (2011).
- Fission barrier of actinide nuclei with double-Λ particles within the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method
- Minato Futoshi, Chiba Satoshi;
- Nuclear Physics A, 856(1), 55-67 (2011).
~ 2010 ~
- Prompt γ-rays emitted in the 74Ge(n,γ)75Ge reaction
- Hara Kaoru, Kin Tadahiro, Oshima Masumi, Nakamura Shoji, Kimura Atsushi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Toh Yosuke;
- JAEA-Conf 2010-005, 93-98 (2010).
- Status and future perspectives of nuclear data measurements at J-PARC MLF BL04
- Harada Hideo, Oshima Masumi, Kimura Atsushi, Goko Shinji, Ota Masayuki, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Kino Koichi, Furusaka Michihiro, Hiraga Fujio, Kamiyama Takashi, Hori Junichi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Takamiya Koichi;
- JAEA-Conf 2010-005, 9-14 (2010).
- Measurement of neutron capture cross section ratios of 244Cm resonances using NNRI
- Goko Shinji, Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Oshima Masumi, Ota Masayuki, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Kin Tadahiro, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Nakamura Shoji, Toh Yosuke, Igashira Masayuki, Katabuchi Tatsuya, Mizumoto Motoharu, Kiyanagi Yoshiaki, Kino Koichi, Furusaka Michihiro, Hiraga Fujio, Kamiyama Takashi, Hori Junichi, Fujii Toshiyuki, Fukutani Satoshi, Takamiya Koichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 47(12), 1097-1100 (2010).
- A Database on neutron-induced reactions for nuclear science and engineering; Completion of Japanese evaluated nuclear data library JENDL-4.0
- Shibata Keiichi, Iwamoto Osamu, Chiba Go;
- Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 52(12), 801-805 (2010).
- Spectroscopy of laser-produced cerium plasma for remote isotope analysis of nuclear fuel
- Miyabe Masabumi, Oba Masaki, Iimura Hideki, Akaoka Katsuaki, Maruyama Yoichiro, Wakaida Ikuo;
- Applied Physics A, 101(1), 65-70 (2010).
- Calculation of neutron nuclear data on rubidium and strontium isotopes for JENDL-4
- Shibata Keiichi, Ichihara Akira, Kunieda Satoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 47(11), 1055-1064 (2010).
- Post irradiation examination analyses with a continuous-energy Monte Carlo code MVP for long-lived fission products in LWR spent fuels
- Okumura Keisuke, Asai Shiho, Hanzawa Yukiko, Suzuki Hideya, Toshimitsu Masaaki, Inagawa Jun, Katakura Junichi, Shinohara Nobuo, Kaneko Satoru, Suzuki Kensuke;
- Proceedings of Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010) (USB Flash Drive), 1-5 (2010).
- Measurements of thermal-neutron capture cross-sections for radioactive nuclides
- Nakamura Shoji;
- Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Data Measurements, Theory and Applications, 87-92 (2010).
- A Facility for measurements of (n,γ) cross-sections of a nucleus in the range 0.008 ≤ En < 20 MeV
- Segawa Mariko, Toh Yosuke, Harada Hideo, Kitatani Fumito, Koizumi Mitsuo, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Fukahori Tokio, Matsue Hideaki, Oshima Masumi, Tanimura Yoshihiko, Tsutsumi Masahiro, Nagai Yasuki;
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 618(1-3), 153-159 (2010).
- Calculation of neutron nuclear data on selenium isotopes for JENDL-4
- Kamada So, Shibata Keiichi, Ichihara Akira, Kunieda Satoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 47(4), 329-339 (2010).
- Verification of the surrogate ratio method
- Chiba Satoshi, Iwamoto Osamu;
- Physical Review C, 81(4), 044604_1-044604_6 (2010).
- Superdeformation in asymmetric N > Z nucleus 40Ar
- Ideguchi Eiji, Ota Shinsuke, Morikawa Tsuneyasu, Oshima Masumi, Koizumi Mitsuo, Toh Yosuke, Kimura Atsushi, Harada Hideo, Furutaka Kazuyoshi, Nakamura Shoji, Kitatani Fumito, Hatsukawa Yuichi, Shizuma Toshiyuki, Sugawara Masahiko, Miyatake Hiroari, Watanabe Yutaka, Hirayama Yoshikazu, Oi Makito;
- Physics Letters B, 686(1), 18-22 (2010).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on hafnium isotopes for JENDL-4
- Shibata Keiichi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 47(2), 160-168 (2010).
- Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on Arsenic-75 for JENDL-4
- Shibata Keiichi, Chiba Go, Ichihara Akira, Kunieda Satoshi;
- Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 47(1), 40-46 (2010).
- Continuous-energy cross-section library based on JENDL high energy file 2007
- Sasa Toshinobu, Sugawara Takanori, Fukahori Tokio, Kosako Kazuaki;
- Proceedings of 10th OECD/NEA Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation (CD-ROM), 1-8 (2010).
- Novel concept of nuclear transmutation
- Chiba Satoshi, Minato Futoshi;
- JAEA-Conf 2010-005, 39-44 (2010).
- Eestimation of production yield of 99Mo for medical use using neutrons from natC(d,n) at Ed = 40 MeV
- Minato Futoshi, Nagai Yasuki;
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 79(9), 093201_1-093201_3 (2010).
Modified at 2024/12/20 16:13 [JST]
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan