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JENDL-4.0 Updated Files

JENDL-4.0 Plus Files

The files for updated and newly evaluated nuclides after the release of JENDL-4.0 are available here. They are classified into "JENDL-4.0 Updated" and "JENDL-4.0 Plus" files, respectively. The JENDL-4.0 updated files (JENDL-4.0u) are for the nuclides whose nuclear data partly revised from important and/or trivial error(s). The JENDL-4.0 plus files (JENDL-4.0+) contain newly evaluated data and fully revised ones which have been remained in JENDL-4.0 such as being carried over or minimum revision from JENDL-3.3.
Explanation of items and symbols used in the list is described on the bottom of this page.

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File List of  JENDL-4.0u & JENDL-4.0+
filtered to [ JENDL-4.0u & JENDL-4.0+ ] sorted in [ ascending order ] of [ sublib ]
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ascending order of nuclides descending order of nuclides
ascending order of sublib. descending order of sublib.
Mainly revised part
( and detail by clicking   )
ascending order of date descending order of date
Data file
1 1 2H Interpolation of elastic angular distributions  more information 2012/09/14 download
2 1 10B Elastic scattering cross sections  more information 2012/09/14 download
3 1 48Ti Representation of resolved resonances  more information 2012/09/14 download
4 1 52Cr MF33 and MF34 added  more information 2012/09/14 download
5 1 53Cr MF33 and MF34 added  more information 2012/09/14 download
6 1 59Ni 0-barn data for (n,p) and (n,α) reactions at 10 keV  more information 2012/09/14 download
7 1 109Ag Reference number in comment data  more information 2012/09/14 download
8 1 127mTe QI values of MF3MT51.  more information 2012/09/14 download
9 1 129mTe QI values of MF3MT51.  more information 2012/09/14 download
10 1 233U Covariances in resonance region  more information 2012/09/14 download
11 1 234U MF1MT458, MF3MT18  more information 2012/09/14 download
12 1 235U Covariances in resonance region  more information 2012/09/14 download
13 1 238U Covariances in resonance region  more information 2012/09/14 download
14 1 239Pu Covariances in resonance region  more information 2012/09/14 download
15 1 243Am MF1MT458, MF3MT18  more information 2012/09/14 download
16 2 129mTe ELIS of MF1  more information 2012/11/15 download
17 1 156Eu Low-energy capture cross sections  more information 2012/11/15 download
18 1 39K (n,n') neutron spectra and γ-ray multiplicities  more information 2013/07/10 download
19 2 48Ti zero capture widths in RRP  more information 2013/07/10 download
20 1 196Hg (n,2n) and (n,3n) neutron spectra  more information 2013/07/10 download
21 1 202Hg (n,2n) and (n,3n) neutron spectra  more information 2013/07/10 download
22 1 204Hg (n,2n) and (n,3n) neutron spectra  more information 2013/07/10 download
23 1 224Ra (n,2n), (n,3n), and (n,4n) neutron spectra  more information 2013/07/10 download
24 1 225Ra (n,2n), (n,3n), and (n,4n) neutron spectra  more information 2013/07/10 download
25 2 234U Inconsistent RRP between MF2 and MF32  more information 2013/07/10 download
26 1 237Np Inconsistent RRP between MF2 and MF32  more information 2013/07/10 download
27 1 238Pu Inconsistent RRP between MF2 and MF32  more information 2013/07/10 download
28 1 242Pu Inconsistent RRP between MF2 and MF32  more information 2013/07/10 download
29 1 241Am QI for MF9/MT102  more information 2013/07/10 download
30 1 197Au Discrete primary photons  more information 2013/08/13 download
31 1 88Sr Resolved resonance parameters  more information 2015/01/22 download
32 1 204Pb Covariances data added  more information 2015/09/14 download
33 1 206Pb Covariances data added  more information 2015/09/14 download
34 1 207Pb Covariances data added  more information 2015/09/14 download
35 1 208Pb Covariances data added  more information 2015/09/14 download
36 1 105Rh Resolved resonance parameters  more information 2016/01/06 download
37 1 241Pu NF A part of fission yields  more information 2012/09/14 download
38 1 242mAm NF MAT No. of fission yield data  more information 2012/09/14 download
[ URLs of summary pages to cite updated files ]
Ver. _20160106: (URL)
Ver. _20150914: (URL)
Ver. _20150122: (URL)
Ver. _20130813: (URL)
Ver. _20130710: (URL)
Ver. _20121115: (URL)
Ver. _20120914: (URL)
[ Explanation of column description ]
No.: Sequential number on the list, not identifying the data file.
Version: Version number with category of “JENDL-4.0u” or “JENDL-4.0+”.
Nuclide: Nuclide name with element symbol, mass number and meta state symbol.
Sublib.: Symbol stands for sublibrary type as following.
(no symbol) JENDL-4.0 neutron reaction sublibrary
 “NF” JENDL-4.0 fission yield sublibrary (neutron-induced)
 “SF” JENDL-4.0 fission yield sublibrary (spontaneous)
 “PA” JENDL-4.0 photo-atomic sublibrary
 “EA” JENDL-4.0 electro-atomic sublibrary
Mainly revised part: Short note about mainly revised part of the data file.
Date: Distribution date of the date file.
Data file:  “DOWNLOAD” button to download the data file.
/ : Button to sort the list in ascending/descending order of the column header.
: Button to show more document for the data file.
Filter selection :Showing the list with JENDL-4.0u or JENDL-4.0+ only, or both of them is available.
Return to JENDL-4.0 page in [Japanese, English]

Inquiry about the JENDL-4.0u and JENDL-4.0+ : Last Update:  2016/01/27 (Wed) 13:03  [JST]

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2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan