An Evaluated Nuclear Data Library
(Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library)
was released as the first version (JENDL-1) in 1977.
The latest version is JENDL-5 released in 2021 which contains the nuclear data of 795 nuclides for neutron-induced reactions.
Such data files as JENDL-5 are called " General purpose files", which provide vaious kinds of data for wide application fields.
We are also making " Special purpose files", which contains only the data needed in their application field.
General Purpose Files
Name |
Characteristics |
Released Year |
Number of Nuclides |
The first Japanese evaluated nuclear data library.
It contains the data important for fast breeder reactors.
The neutron energy range is from 10-5 eV ~ 15 MeV.
| 1977 |
72 nuclides |
The maximum neutron energy is 20 MeV.
The data of structural material and heavy nuclides were revised.
The data are applicable to fast breeder reactors and shielding calculations.
| Dec 1982, revised in Mar 1984 |
84 nuclides |
The data of fission product nuclides are added. |
Dec 1985 |
181 nuclides |
The data in the MeV region were modified.
The data of important heavy nuclides were evaluated with the simultaneous evaluation.
The γ-ray production data were given to 59 nuclides.
| Dec 1989 |
171 nuclides |
JENDL-3.1 |
The data of fission product nuclides were added. |
Dec 1990 |
324 nuclides |
JENDL-3.2 |
The data were largely improved.
JENDL-3.2 is applicable to fast breeder reactors, thermal reactors, shielding, fusion neutronics, etc.
| Jun 1994 |
340 nuclides |
JENDL-3.3 |
Data were improved for medium-heavy and actinide nuclides.
Double-differential cross sections (DDXs) and covariances were given to part of nuclides.
| May 2002 |
337 nuclides |
JENDL-4.0 |
The data were largely improved.
The nuclides more requested from users were added.
Second neutron and γ-ray data were enriched.
The nuclides include covariance data were added.
| May 2010 |
406 nuclides |
The neutron reaction data were largely improved, and extended in an incident energy.
The charged-particles and photon-induced reactions, and neutron-activation data were incorporated.
The data of thermal neutron scattering law, fission product yields, nuclear decay were fully updated.
| Dec 2021 |
n: 795 nuclides
p: 239 nuclides
d: 9 nuclides
α: 18 nuclides
γ: 2684 nuclides
Special Purpose Files
Name / Characteristics |
Released Year |
Number of Nuclides |
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan