Errata of JENDL-5 sublibraries
- Neutron sublibrary
Pr-141: The upper limit of the unresolved resonance parameter was inconsistent with that of
unresolved resonance region. Fixed in update-1 (upd-1)
on Feb. 16, 2022.
N-14,15, F-19, Al-27, P-31: The upper energy limit of the photon production cross sections and
energy spectra had been set to 20 MeV.
Fixed in update-6 (upd-6) on May 24, 2022.
H-2: The angle-energy distribution data had been doubly given using LAW=6 and 7 above 20 MeV.
Fixed in update-7 (upd-7) on May 24, 2022.
32 nuclides: The inelastic scattering cross sections of MF10 for isomeric targets were inconsistent with those of MF3.
Fixed in update-10 (upd-10) on Jan 18, 2023.
61 nuclides: Production cross section of non-existent isomeric state in Ti-48 was deleted.
Fixed in update-11 (upd-11) on Jan 18, 2023.
28 nuclides: The data in MF8 were inconsistent with those in the other MF.
Fixed in update-12 (upd-12) on Aug. 10, 2023.
Na-23: The multiplicities of neutrons and gamma-rays in MF6/MT51,53,54,55 and
the cross section at the threshold energy in MF3/MT51 were incorrect.
Fixed in update-14 (upd-14) on Jul. 9, 2024.
- Thermal scattering law sublibrary
H in H2O, O in H2O: The variation of effective multiplication factors at different moderator temperatures of light water reactors was not smooth.
Fixed in update-16 (upd-16) on Jan. 10, 2025.
- Fission product yield sublibrary
All nuclides: The sublibrary number (NSUB) and library version number (NVER) were incorrect. Mass of the
projectile for Am-242m was also incorrect.
Fixed in update-2 (upd-2) on Feb. 16, 2022.
11 nuclides: Identifiers of fission product yield (ZAFP) for 14 MeV neutron FPY data were given incorrectly.
Fixed in update-8 (upd-8) on Jul. 13, 2022.
- Decay data sublibrary
All nuclides: The sublibrary number (NSUB) and library version number (NVER) were incorrect.
Intensities of β- decay for some nuclei were incorrect.
Fixed in update-3 (upd-3) on Feb. 16, 2022.
90 nuclides: Isomeric state numbers (LIS and LISO) of Sb-122m2 were incorrect.
The material (MAT) numbers were duplicated for some nuclides.
Fixed in update-5 (upd-5) on Apr. 27, 2022.
156 nuclides: Internal pair formation coefficient (RIS) was given below the threshold energy.
Fixed in update-15 (upd-15) on Nov. 21, 2024.
- Proton sublibrary
Li-7: Discrete gamma-ray energies of (p,n1) and (p,p1) reactions were incorrect.
MF3/MT51,601 and MF6/MT51,601 were converted to MF3,6/MT5 for use in PHITS and MCNP.
Fixed in update-13 (upd-13) on Aug. 10, 2023.
- Deuteron sublibrary
C-12, C-13: The multiplicities of particles/nuclei other than neutrons and protons were negative above 100 MeV.
Fixed in update-9 (upd-9) on Oct. 06, 2022.
- Electro-atomic sublibrary
63 elements: A part of information on Bremsstrahlung photon energy spectra and electron average energy loss was missing.
Fixed in update-4 (upd-4) on Mar. 16, 2022.
Modified at 2025/01/11 15:13 [JST]
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan